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Wrong attitude Dan...you keep looking at others as a way to have your ego crushed instead of feeding your motivation!
Thanks. What are they supposed to do, exactly?
Or you can drive down, get a session at PTC, and pick up the plates at the same time
Markos, at what level do you think a lifter should be using a belt for deadlifts, if at all? I see countless vids on YouTube of people using belts, when they are 1RMing around the same as me or less...makes me wonder if I'm not taking a precaution I should, or if I should be continuing until I find a reason to need one...
That's because I'm not going to injure myself if my grip lets go, but if my core doesn't stay tight during the lift, my back will take the brunt of it or I'm robbing myself of potential during lockout.. I should mention that I haven't had any grip issues since switching to mixed grip with chalk. My back is always the first to fatigue these days; it would have to be a high rep set of a very heavy (for me) weight before my grip failed. I just think it defeats the purpose of a compound movement if you use equipment to work around a group of muscles involved in that lift; bandaiding weakness rather than addressing it properly.
Cool! Should push the bar more often (or pull it), you've probably got more in you than you think. Watch how light your old weights will feel next time!
Daniel is going to be a monster haha
Nice work there. Is that a pb for you? What do you weigh and how tall are you?
On high rep sets my grip gives way...on low reps and singles, my back gives in first. But that's okay; both play catchup on each other. Why train around the weakness and create a dependence in equipment? I want my forearms to be strong too. You're only as strong as your weakest muscles. As for deads last on back day, I used to do the same...but now I stick it up front as rows and pulldowns rob you of performance. They are assistance exercises to the deadlift and should be done after, so you don't fatigue support muscles early on.
It's alright Got bible bashed as a kid though, so it's nothing new to me
Watching some bible based tv epic...Moses says "my people will never be slaves again" Strong unaware
Went for something different tonight. I want my volume to catch up with my 1RM training, as the gap is getting too big and I'd like to focus on improve my form on the heavier weights. So I pushed the volume weights up by 10kg. Once I get the volume up to around 170 for a few reps, I'll shoot for 200 and beyond. Was pretty happy though, as 170 used to be my 1RM not that long ago. Couldn't resist a single to finish off. 90kg x 10 130kg x 10 160kg x 4 170kg x 2 180kg x 1
Haven't updated for a while, but I'm now 13 13 12 11 10 10
Had movie to attend, friend. I will surely stick around for sexy photo time.
These testing companies are a pain in the ass to get a response or even a call back from. Will give it another week of hassling, if I don't see success I'll just refund people's research donations.
I'm certain this is what you really meant!
One of the things I loved about Findlays, was the calibre of people going there and leading by example. And there were a lot of them. You couldn't just blame someone's physique or strength on genetics and steroids. As a weak and skinny, you were the exception; the odd one out. Man I felt so tiny going there. I'm certain this is one of the bigger issues in commercial gyms - the goal achievers, the people everyone wants to be like, are few and far between. I said before that humans are emulators. When your expectations are set by the average commercial gym goer, that's gonna leave you with mediocre goals, advice and examples to go off. I remember my dad pointing out a Mr Australia (?) competitor at Findlays once. All I ever saw him do at that gym was eat buckets of chicken in the office. I never saw him lift a single weight anytime I was there. You don't see things like this in most gyms - probably why the importance of food in training goes unaccounted for by most.
tl;dr: keep in mind the context of those numbers; shut up and lift.
I think people give way too much attention to those beginner numbers, taking them the wrong way and out of context. Not that they aren't a good goal for anyone to achieve, regardless of why they are in the gym, but it doesn't mean you can't achieve what you set out to do without obtaining them. Afterall, they are only based on three exercises. I had what many would call a decent body before I ever even did a squat or a deadlift. I'm sure Dan did too, because we both worked most of our muscles with different exercises (including lots of isolation) anyway. 2 years ago I gave no fks for being that strong, as long as I looked good. It's still largely the case, but I figure now that as long as I'm in the gym staying good looking (), I might as well aim for something at the same time. It's fun increasing the numbers on the three lifts and I am getting some decent legs now to make my appearance more proportionate. I'm also a convert of the efficiency of compound movements, now that I see I can spend 4 hours a week in the gym for a better looking body than 6 hours a week. Y'all need to understand that, regardless of clients, powerlifter or non, Markos believes in strength training as ultimate (efficiency and usefulness) for achieving any goals regardless of why you're in the gym; that anyone can benefit from it, whether you want to be strong, maintain a healthy lifestyle, play a sport or just look good. It's sound logic, as he has the results to back it up, be it big numbers or pictures of people or employed by a sporting club. Therefore, he's going to have a bench mark in the 3 major lifts that are quintessential to a sport based on strength training, and apply them to any situation. Now they were originally created as an expectation for people looking to get strong - it just happens that they are useful too, should you want to build yourself a good looking body. So let's not forget the roots of the expectations and the person who created them: it's powerlifting and strength training, but they are useful for anything. You don't need to take offence to them if you haven't made them yet - you can get a good body without training to these numbers; you don't even have to do the exercises. But is there anyone here who isn't training bench/squats/deads? Is it so bad to have higher expectations than what the rest of society does? Anyone who disagrees with the numbers is forgetting that they are simply the benchmark of a trainer, created for his clients and anyone who wants to listen to him. Don't get caught up in the numbers if you don't like them; they will probably be changing soon anyway, to accommodate higher expectations. But you can't really disagree with them. It's a bit of a contradiction if you do.
I see what you may or may not have meant to do there!
Oil pressure will be more stable or prone to fluctuation depending on viscosity and how old/new the oil is. What matters is that you have pressure in the first place. ~4 when driving is normal; don't worry too much about it when you are idling.
Prolly toughest on fines too 0-10kn/h over in WA = $75 fine / 1 penalty unit and no demerit points. Same thing in Vic = $181 / 1.5 penalty units and 1 demerit point. Consider how much living costs are between states and the gap is evidently larger. No P plates displayed is also a lot cheaper / little or no points.
lol nice, fk if that product was still selling I would shop a 3D on the end of the poster and send it to users all the time!
Love the clock on the packaging...could be interpreted as never go full retard.