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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Can you PM now? lol
  2. joeyjoejoejuniorshabadoo
  3. What's happening to the dildo if it needs a 3 week replacement schedule
  4. Speaking of, I wonder if anyone is still using Ashley Madison
  5. I choose humour over sensible truth everytime, hence my answers
  6. inb4 the data trying to be recovered is a Game mixtape
  7. Regardless, horribly flawed logic on his part, for justification of legalisation. We all need water to live but misuse it and it can kill you.
  8. Pornhub have an app?
  9. Your dead laptop M Night Shyamalan approves this outcome
  10. And shares computers/shares computershare thats jus a lil stock market humour
  11. Nature made poison mushrooms and cyanide too just sayin
  12. That shit would suck I remember years ago at Baysy maccas a fight breaking out and the cops unloading spray everywhere inside. Everyone had evacuated including staff but a mate and I were half way through meals so decided to stay and finish...few minutes later our eyes started to water. Kid who copped the brunt of it was reacting much the same way as them^
  13. Web wombat
  14. They've come a long way since version 1 which had the market to itself and made a household name. Then they had to play catch up on features a bit like Apple with the iPhone Speaking of, I wonder if anything will ever dethrone Google...cannot imagine it happening.
  15. That being said, dashcams are easier cause they're already setup ready to rock and the video quality is pretty good these days
  16. I bought the LCD backpack for my GoPro 1 for like $150 and that worked fantastically for framing and review. Added extra buttons and a speaker too, which made the interface much more friendly...all GoPros should come with them.
  17. Yeah that's where we were. BUL-V10 was the plate. He certainly wasn't afraid of speeding tickets, but most Lambo owners wouldn't be.
  18. Sharing the road with their fanbase is bad enough
  19. Who said anything about a win?
  20. So pull up at the lights behind a red Huracan...
  21. This is already too much
  22. I'll be damned if I'm gonna create their operating system for them
  23. The only other explanation is product and marketing managers feeling they need to justify their employment with radical changes to something that works or works and has gone a little stale
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