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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Outgrown the CBR? Really giving consideration to an MT10 once I've sorted out buying a house. Amazing bike.
  2. Buy a 33R
  3. Good thing I'm a slow scroller and saw the top of Simon's profile screen shotted before I saw the rest of it Bad thing Leigh already got me with it
  4. You can usually end this sentence at Birds and the matter will be resolved
  5. And I won't be switching to desktop view to see this
  6. That's great but I'm still not going to ask you what car you bought...
  7. Yes this is the way I read it too. They won't deny your claim over it, but they won't cover those modifications. If they do try to deny it and you have to take them you VCAT you could reasonably argue the wording of the PDS does not state such modifications will exempt you from cover. People often worry about insurance companies slipping out of paying a claim because of loopholes they may find, but whilst this would save the company some money short term, it makes a very bad name for them when it comes to recruiting new customers and isn't worth it even over 10k worth of car. Much easier to just increase premiums proportionately which is how insurance operates profitably. Unless they can reasonably demonstrate that a modification played a part in the accident (e.g. wheel spacers caused a wheel to fall off) then they will have to cover you and if not, it would be a pretty easy case to win at VCAT. Disclosure is all about minimising risk for yourself in the event they do kick up a fuss. On a third party policy it's even less important, as most of the time they don't view your vehicle, only the property that is covered, i.e. someone else's. When it comes to theft well, chances are your car will be burnt out or not recovered and if it is all they are going to care about is that you had an inmobiliser fitted (some insurance companies require this and this CAN give them a reason to knock back the claim, much like handing someone your keys). Basically, ensure you're in line with the PDS and you're good.
  8. Ended up getting an amp to (sort of) do this guitar some justice. Meet the ID:60 TVP from Blackstar...60 watt modelling combo amp that retails for $950+ and I picked it up for around $500 as a store demo in basically perfect condition (still had labels/tags on it). This thing is insanely loud for a non-valve amp - the house starts shaking if I go beyond 1/3 volume. Combined with the remote foot controller, it eliminates your pedal board for running traditional effects. Can plug into computer via USB and program combinations of amp/effect/volume into presets, so you can effectively program your whole set before a show and just scroll through as needed. Or download other users' presets from the internet. Also, the amps that it models...sound pretty bang on. Bargain!
  9. Everyone has their own way of learning guitar...some are self taught, others take lessons, use apps or are classically trained musicians. People play guitar for all different reasons too, but the underlying trait most of these reasons all have in common is a passion for playing it. Guitar and broader musical instruments are one of those activities that, unless you're an Asian stereotype and your parents are forcing you to learn it, you're not going to keep it up if the passion isn't there. So in my view, whatever affords you that passion to continue to play and learn, whether it's an app, guitar hero, mimicking your favourite artists, developing and maintaining dexterity, shredding, composing or just strumming absolute garbage that makes you feel good in some way...ultimately it doesn't matter and anyone who judges you for how you learn is an idiot (unless you're complaining about getting nowhere but are unwilling to try different things). If you want to get better there are certainly better and worse ways about doing it, but none of it matters if you're not enjoying yourself. So don't feel bad about the breaks you take or any lack of progress...they are there for a reason. If you really love something it will consume a proportionate part of your life. I will say though, and this may sound in contrast to the above, but if you can maintain that passion and push yourself to learn some things, AKA give it all a red hot go, this in itself can make guitar more enjoyable for you and by virtue you'll wind up more passionate about it. I mean, it's not like none of those Asian piano/violin virtuosos enjoy what they do. I played on and off for years when I started out, but once I learned a lot more things I found myself playing more often because it seemed like less of a chore/work to build upon that knowledge, and quickly it became my chill-out time / hobby. Work > Progress > Reward > Passion.
  10. We wuz kangs
  11. 88E announced spud and drops Called it Now let's see if it drops to my order...
  12. You could have made it thirds
  13. Insulting...you could sell this in 4-5 years for the same price with no depreciation!
  14. Don't know enough about this election to make a call on it, unlike the states where I knew Trump had a good chance. But I've been observing immigration and terrorism issues on the world stage over the last couple of years and the correlations these days seem too strong for joe public to ignore. My feeling is that those innate defense mechanisms we've held onto for thousands of years are really starting to kick in and influence political choices over the more first world preferences people used to vote on, like taxes...
  15. Is it Patrick?
  16. When many right wing pundits are holding classical feminist views from the 70s/80s, for true equality and are tolerant of homosexuality etc. it's easy to see why people might mistake left wing socialists for centrists. Makes me wonder what the political spectrum will look like in 20 years time if this infinite gender shit ever catches on and becomes mainstream. Maybe we'll go Möbius strip and the anti-establishment right that brought about Trump will bring us full circle. One thing is for certain though...socialism sucks a fat one.
  17. Bargain! If I had the space / didn't own 1,000 cars etc.
  18. Just quietly...if you came into my interview with an Inspiron I wouldn't hire you no matter the specs...
  19. To be fair, last thread had real estate, unions and Captain Will as topics Think Rimon may have even been in there
  20. Just didn't want anyone to take a different meaning from it
  21. But then he gets to keep the thief's car...sounds like a fair trade to me.
  22. That's better... Sincerely, A member of the Linguistics Nazi party. We're pro-semantic.
  23. I don't think you have to be nationalist to fear the ramifications of open border immigration from war-torn countries, even if that is traditionally a trait of nationalism; Le Pen like our Hanson could be seen as the lesser of two evils..."I don't like xenophobes and racists, but terrorists are much worse"
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