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Everything posted by Birds

  1. There are ways around the small turbo posing a hot side restriction, wastegate setup, rearhousing vs comp housing ratio etc. Plenty of small turbos used on large engines just for a power boost - most manufacturers run a small turbo harder these days for more linear delivery. My turbo chokes at 5800 too...but my rear housing is large enough, it's the factory comp housing that does it.
  2. How often do you sit above 5800rpm? What power did the 3076 make before it choked? Seems to me a 3071 would produce your 320rwkw in a 2.8 on E85 with better response than any of the aforementioned turbos. I mean who cares if it chokes as long as it makes your desired power figure at some point and you have a killer midrange to carry you through the next gears? I have this argument with everyone who tells me -9s are too small for a GTR and I should go -5s. Sure they will choke up top, but they are still going to be making ~370-380kw as they do so, which is plenty of power in a road going vehicle. Street is not about top end! Edit: nevermind, re-read your post which is written like a murder mystery and discovered that you've done the return to a smaller / more responsive turbo that will likely choke up top. Welcome to the good life.
  3. Another classic CD for colleagues to vibe with
  4. I agree. Some problems it solves, others it's just a distraction for - like the exchange of dignity for money when people sue for slander / defamation. Does getting a payout really amend the public embarrassment suffered lol, not at all. People throw money at things to resolve dissonance because it's easier than physically helping the situation. It's not much different to giving cash as a present. Hence crowdfunding social justice is such a f**king lazy cause: woman gets verbally abused on a bus, nek minute crowdfunded 100k from people because they feel sorry for her and wanna make the situation better from the armchair.
  5. Wedding in South Africa sure is a good alibi though...
  6. As someone who has been through the shitstorm that is a fire / total loss...unless they set the fire intentionally after realising renovations suck / house falling apart (in which case they'd probably knock back donations from friends) or the insurance payout is significantly more than the place is worth...insurance money is only ever the big consolation in said shitstorm. The logistics of re-organizing life, psychological trauma, irreplaceables lost, living out of a motel or rental until the insurance payout and rebuild can pretty much be written off as a difficult and not completely enjoyable chapter in your life. Insurance payout can take 6 months+ too. On the plus side you can realise how few of your hoarded possessions you actually need. So on that note I would have donated simply so they would have some cash to go and enjoy a vacation or some nice events for a distraction from all that. At the same time, I don't think people should be giving you shit for not donating, that's entirely your choice. The question I always ask (and near impossible to answer) is if they would have done it in return for you. When I was younger we had a weekend away with a large group of friends and someone broke into the house and nicked a girl's ghd hair straightener and some CDs...well next minute there was a hat passed around to raise funds for a hair straightener. f**k that, I wasn't close mates with the chick and it's a hair straightener, shit happens. Still felt like I got judged for it, though...
  7. Prolly get defected on the way home for saying it, but cops don't pay attention to my Skyline anymore. Just another old car and too few on the road to still have a name. P players aren't interested in owning them and I wonder if the police will move on to targeting hot hatches now?
  8. All part of a plan to lay low as the numbers of external wastegates rise and then they'll strike
  9. Seems there is a limit on how many times your shit can be liked in one day How bout that
  10. Shieeeeeet
  11. HECS + 88E profits = tax bill But not a huge one...thanks to Tony and global financial crisis losses
  12. It's the personal time wasted on sorting out these things that gets you. If you add up the time spent that could have been working, it effectively costs you quite a bit. And I'm sure part of the reason for the multilevel support systems is one massive deterrent for presenting issues, not unlike contesting a speeding fine in the courts. Try attempting to upgrade from adsl1 to adsl2 in Boronia! Adsl2 is what I ordered when I signed up with them and it even said adsl2 on my bills but was getting adsl1 speeds. I knew from a simple Google that the issue would be limited ports at the exchange and their unwillingness to allocate me one, but try explaining that to three different levels of support staff who all want me to turn off the router for 60 seconds and try to tell me that 6mbps is normal for adsl2, also seemingly knowing less about computers than I do. After the 4th phone call (which you all know can be an hour and a half proposition), I managed to convince a senior tech support what their problem was and they put an order ticket in the system to get me switched over, which 3 years later I believe is still sitting in there. A simple no would have saved a lot of time. Upgrading to adsl2 where I live now was a 10 minute phone call and done overnight?
  13. Here's a simplified version of how I think the the demand and increase in value works and *should* proceed for Skylines in the future. I base this on what I think happened to muscle cars of the 70s about 10 years ago during their massive boom. Granted, they did have a broader appeal to all people than imports do. So we can agree Skylines were immensely popular at one point, circa late 90s and early-mid 00s; their numbers are now dwindling and they've depreciated about as much as they are going to because we're starting to see turnaround / an increase in value, starting with the GTRs...however the gentrification should bring the lower spec models up with it eventually. The teenagers of the late 90s and 00s who loved Skylines and bought them, eventually got out of them and moved on to newer and more practical vehicles, raising families etc. The cars became older and problematic too, so they decreased in value as the generation of enthusiasts outgrew them. These enthusiasts who used to work part time jobs to get through uni or graduate positions were the key demographic for this kind of second hand car and represented the buyers market here in Aus, hence the pricing of the vehicles was probably a lot cheaper than it deserved to be, given the quality and performance of the vehicles and compared to local offerings. I argue that you still cannot get a faster or more fun (or better looking, but that's subjective) sports car than a Japanese import for less than $7-8k than the old faithful GTS-T. Anyway, back then, hardly anyone over 45 with a lot of money could give a shit about owning a Skyline in the late 90s and 00s, it was a young man's sports car and they attracted an image of irresponsible goon, so there were really no affable buyers who wanted to splash out on anything Skyline, save for the boutique models (34 GTR included; these were arguably still a new car, so deserved a high price, but they too eventually fell from grace, with low end models fetching high 30s low 40s before the recent resurgence in pricing). However! Now those teenagers who outgrew the Skylines have young families and some even have teenagers. When those kids move out of home and they have a mid life crisis + room for toys, opportunity to relive one's youth etc., what cars are they going to turn to? These people include the execs, directors, managers and even CEOs of the next decade or two, and they will have money to fight over the remaining examples of Skylines. There will be a pecking order and it will of course start with the GTRs...but the same thing happened with 70s muscled, where even if SLR5000/A9X were the top pics, a clean LJ Torana is still worth a decent penny on its own. Popularity + scarcity = sought after rarity = $$$$ The big question for me is...when you get older and still have your Skyline...will you sell your youth for the premium prices or hang on to it and try to relive
  14. Why are people being so shit around laptops? It's not hard not to step on it or throw it off a building
  15. Southern style or gtfo
  16. Back in for the 88E ride Latest news excites me and the market has snubbed it; already dropped since the open Wonder if London will respond better
  17. Why not scorptech?
  18. If you wanna get HUGE you gotta buy HUGE bro
  19. Yeah our younger drivers are all about Volkswagens these days. We have some shocking drivers, and I feel like only 5% of the driving population are aware of "keep left unless overtaking". They don't even look in their rear vision mirrors to see you stuck behind them, and if they do, they will sit there arrogantly trying to play citizen cop and control the speed of the highway. It's to the point where I actually give drivers a thumbs up if they do the courteous thing and move over for me
  20. I have two R33 and I'm not letting them go anytime soon, because they are mixing with the magic formula for rarity, which is a popular vehicle for which many once existed...but are quickly getting wiped out of existence as people write them off. A good sign of this is that even my GTS-T is drawing looks in traffic these days just because you don't see them anymore and there was a time when, like VL Commodores, they were one of the most popular sports cars on the road. Now if I see one it's usually clapped out looking. Both of my Skylines are in pristine condition body wise and that's the most important thing for any classic / kept vehicle. The GTR has already increased significantly in value since I purchased it. The GTS-T will always be the slower riser, given it's a "lesser" vehicle and there were significantly more of them produced and imported here, so may never be worth what a GTR will, but I predict will still rise one day as they become rare. Consider the ridiculous prices people are paying for VLs, R31s (these were $1000 when I was 18 lol), RX3s etc. Also, in a couple years the floodgates will open up for Americans to import the R33, so will be interesting to see the momentum that gives to the second hand market here as Japan gets swamped with orders from the states.
  21. Light stretching helps with doms, as does eating enough protein for healing Don't work the same muscles tonight unless you're on roids or a professional as it's pretty pointless for gains as they are already damaged, however some people find working the muscles lightly with empty bar or bodyweight helps with doms
  22. What Leigh said or pick up some of this from a supplement store
  23. The legitimacy of his vehicle wouldn't be my concern for calling the police, them likely to do f**k all about it would come to mind first
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