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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Mega lulz @ scare tactics Your appeal to good conscience has surely worked for the last 20 years of pirated media
  2. Porter Davis Respect The Dream
  3. I don't have anyone on FB yet
  4. Whilst I still think 88E will slump again in the short term, the current news is great for long term holders Reading between the lines, you don't bid on another 150,000 acres of land if there's nothing special under there...
  5. The level of hipster in here right now is astounding Could only be topped by Hamish posting a gingham selfor while listening to triple j unearthed
  6. Leroy pls
  7. Buying more at lower price to reduce average buy in is just mental gymnastics; an illusion of using the profit on another buy in to make you feel better about a loss on your initial buy in. If you're confident it will sink lower and then plan to buy at a lower price, you should sell it all up now, own the loss and maximize your profit at the lower price when it happens...otherwise you're running competing/contradictory trading strategies. Like people trying to cut at the gym and gain muscle/strength. If buying more at a lower price low, it should be with the goal to accumulate more shares for a big expected long term rise or simply because you believe it's at a floor and want to take advantage of it.
  8. Welcome to uncharted territory - that uncertainty is the same driving force that allows ten bagging to occur because even big hype can't match truly awesome news I want to be in it for this transition period, it's just too tempting to sell for a quickie everytime I buy at the floor, which leaves me dangerously out of the long term game. Paid for it today as I could have sold @ 4 cents for another $540, but...safe profits are permanent profits.
  9. Hence do some short term trades to bring yourself into the green This is the only exception to my don't sell at a loss rule A capital loss event is also not a bad thing to have on your record But yeah...I suspect today's rises and any subsequent ones will be the rumour and expectation mill working overtime which will exhaust itself once any positive news is released...
  10. Leroy - sell your shit and buy back in when it sinks again
  11. I do a similar thing when I go out to group dinners / lunches So scumbag but meh until table pay tech arrives that's the way it's gonna be little darlin
  12. A mate just binned his R6 track bike on a low side after spending a month preparing it Handlebar torn off, fuel tank crunched Take care
  13. Similar to mine or to your expenses lol
  14. 100% forgot to text you on Saturday Spent the time earning another csgo rank lol
  15. Good luck when they boycott the TV brand you were considering, scab
  16. Man up and show the in too
  17. Given I don't post anything but opinions, all this says is that my opinions are popular even if it's amongst a niche lol
  18. Not that they were blisteringly fast cars by any stretch, but half of it is that they didn't rev out far or need to for that matter. Those V8s still pull nicely with their torque for the first few thousand rpm. The aftermarket / drag scene in the states was as fast as ever / still breaking records as far as I know, it's just factory vehicles that went down on power in Eder to meet "stringent" new emissions laws etc. There was also the rise of small displacement engines which probably took away development from the V8s combined with low sales. We did a similar thing here with our 308 VL vs the RB30 and the 304 vs Buick 3800 motors. The V8s were still a tad quicker everywhere in spite of similar power. tl;dr the yanks aren't that shit at building engines
  19. Dat 1979 energy crisis
  20. Low numbers are rarity / wankfest amongst those who've already spent all you can on a car. They're also selling, so hard to argue they aren't worth it; no different to diamonds for jewellery - tiny pieces of rock that do absolutely nothing. The plates Leigh posted, on the other hand, are people who think their ingenuity in spending days on www.vplates.com.au and snapping up numberplate combinations no one else already wanted should be rewarded with cash, on the basis they managed to make a 5 look like an S and so on. Begs the question how they scraped together the $700 required to buy custom plates in the first place. 88E daytraders? Heh. Heh.
  21. You better get a lawyer son You better get a real good one
  22. To be fair my roller dyno 250rwkw did too
  23. In some FWDs mostly European, they run a small straight shaft across the back of the engine from the FWD diff so that the CV shafts on both sides have equal length and the same angle Helps a great deal with torque steer
  24. Depending how much you've invested, you could give short terming a go in the meantime to average down. But pretty confident we will return to 5 cents plus during the course of pre/post IW2 unless it's a duster which isn't likely. Tax man is going to bend me over chronic. Though as someone on HC once told me...don't be scared of CGT, it just means that you're winning / won for the year.
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