It's possible. Contrary to what you may think, I'm actually for supporting Australians in keeping Australian jobs, and against free market deciding that. My criticism of the CUB action is that it feels like short term win and potential long term loss - money in the weekly pocket over the 5 year profitability of a publically traded company that has to compete with imported product.
The supportive action for Australian manufacturing and jobs needs to come from the government and be targeting consumers, not twisting the arms of Australian based businesses struggling to compete in a world market, or propping them up with bailouts. Without tariffs and government action to drive support for local business, and with a disposable society + increasing quality goods coming out of China/Korea, consumerism in Australia will turn / has turned to the lowest bidders in exchange for being able to afford more material goods. These Asian countries have much lower standards for working and living conditions than us, we simply can't compete on anything except quality and innovation and one day they may be the only areas where jobs are available.
Online shopping is a huge driving force in this and if you engage in it whilst complaining about Australian jobs being given to offshore people then it's a tad hypocritical; I think most of us are guilty these days.