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Everything posted by Birds

  1. If it lasts as long as it's taken to get built I'll be happy To be fair, until Greg has a functional and lasting engine, as far as I'm concerned his engine build started several years ago and still isn't done...
  2. Nah Shop next door to his does, but he doesn't use them Yeah Cihan is still tuning to my knowledge
  3. Using work on it as an excuse not to do work on it? Barry doesn't have a dyno, but it'll be tuned by his usual tuner, cause I like the tuner round there
  4. Probably Head is back though, which he's porting and polishing now So machinist isn't an excuse anymore haha Should see the fuel system he's putting in the 34R
  5. Cause their mechanics don't get off their asses?
  6. Nothing wrong with this strat; it's medium to long term holding and pretty much what I did to make the first significant chunk of profit from ol 88e. Though with significant enough jumps, you tend to care not for queuing up an order well in advance for the sake of an extra couple hundred dollars when you can just sell to the current buy queue. Queuing up a sell order is IMO a better strat for short termers and day traders as that one pip of 0.1 cents is more often than not your entire/only profit. With 270,000 shares that's $270 minus $40 brokerage = $230 profit, from investing $10k @ 3.6 cents. You should follow me on a short term trade sometime Leroy...be interesting if you run into my luck or dezztroy it.
  7. For the long term yes. Short term profit to be made = worth checking in on. Look at the short queue to sell at 3.8 and 3.9 - depending on your level of greed, either is a magic mark to put a sell order in at between now and the announcement as anticipation builds. When such a short queue appears in the buy column, it's a good place to slot in a buy order. Run simultaneous buy and sell orders and you profit constantly as the stock shifts. Buy on rumours sell on news! Buy when everyone is selling and sell when everyone is buying. The buy/sell ratios are your best friend if you can palm read them.
  8. 88E steady on a hold...not really dropping...may have picked the trough again. Need London to give us some push tonight.
  9. There is good reason I stopped posting on HC outside of important company announcements It was fun while we were championing the share before it hit the big time. Huge sense of comradery and "we're in this together, win or lose". Then massive celebrations as it went mainstream and our faith was rewarded with dollars. But with the mainstream came the downrampers, neysayers, daytraders, share newbies...who assumed to know everything about the share...and paid out on the old hats / company when they bought in too high and lost. Became a cesspool of ignorance, insults and unenjoyable repetition of bullshit. Will return when things get more interesting for 88E.
  10. Back in at 3.6, let's see where this ship goes Probably stay in for IW2 now, unless I get a nice short term burst of profits
  11. Made it palatable?
  12. I rate the Dutch over the Germans and have done so for the last 77 years
  13. Heineken straight from the brewery in Amsterdam It's not the most convenient beer but, damn
  14. Leroy's mates
  15. Nikka from the barrell?
  16. Drop happened before the release; they were lining up 3.8 pre-open. The nothing news will help push it down - as predicted. The 3.7 buy queue is about to run out of demand too. At least you were right about us not seeing 4 cents today
  17. By meeting LSX you mean coming back down to match their lack of overreaction... I find London responds more realistically to news events than we do. They are the ones who move up when announcements are positive and technical, unless held down by significant drops on the ASX. Often the two markets bounce off each other when the news is important, good or bad, but the ASX is full of casino gamblers all betting on each other rather than the company; myself included. It's also not healthy that only 20 odd million shares are out in the market deciding daily the value of over 3 billion shares. Makes a long term hold quite painful to watch and the share very open to manipulation.
  18. 88E then proceed to release a nothing news update, which will put our high expectations holders on sell...I might just buy in again if I can get a 3.7 order through today.
  19. And the knee jerk relaxes...called it
  20. Backup is the most important protection IMO - tangible offsite can't be electronically hacked It's a pain to wipe and restore, but DBAN feels so fresh so clean...
  21. You have to open an attachment/link or give it permission to run, but it can disguise itself as a windows or java update that you click yes to, which is what I did
  22. After I got attacked I read up about this. Some honour it. Others don't bother (effort for zero gain? not a criminal mindset; plus you could assist others in decrypting their attacks). Others give you the key, but the ransomware attacks you again in future, so you pay twice. Still not as painful as trying to get out of a direct debit gym membership.
  23. I'm not surprised by the knee jerk, I just don't think it's sound investment to try and ride it for short term profit (talking a few days). It's backed up by no long term prospect or news specifically from 88E to give the SP a new floor. Next week could change that, yes. The SP did similar little hops when the price of oil saw some recovery months ago. Don't get me wrong, the OPEC announcement is good for the company, increased value of assets etc, but I think today is people jumping on 88E with the expectancy that it will see a few days of rises out of it. To me, today is one of those things you needed to be lucky enough to be in with prior to the rise. I don't feel that it has legs to carry it. Hopefully I'm right and I can buy back in like I wanted to. There will be a time when my short term profiteering needs to end and make way for my long term strategy, and it's fast approaching as we edge closer to IW2. IW2 is the red/black you're either all in or all out for.
  24. Was it the fake AGL bill one?
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