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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Out of 88E for the now; the daytrader in me couldn't resist a $300 win for the day. Put a buy order in straight away to get back in lower and only 1/4 of it went through. Pls no good news Monday
  2. Might buy you a day or prevent your average screwdriver thief, but if I really wanted that car I'd take a spare wheel with me and put that on instead.
  3. Nice throwback to 90s trance
  4. https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/1651327B371264269078353321984_48532b530f2.1.1.8056211160554551871.mp4?versionId=2tIfHMxySbbI2Fn0zcFyvvXCGQYOS_q1
  5. He forgot the dollar sign too $1.80
  6. Options 101 Options are good if you believe in the company's medium to long term success, but want to minimise risk investing in it, as they reduce the capital required to hold a given number of shares. They also allow you to take on a larger position with the same capital you would ordinarily have spent on shares. Just like heads (regular shares), they can be bought and sold for a profit without actually ever converting the option into a head. They will usually trail behind the price of the heads by around the cost of conversion. 88e had options that cost 2 cents each to convert and were once traded for 0.1 cents. Convert to a head and each share has cost you 2.1 cents... = 250% profit if you sold at today's prices. The two big downsides to options are 1. You have to come up with the capital/cost to convert the option into a share (not a huge problem, as you're usually converting an option because it will make you money, but a speed bump nonetheless), and 2. A time sensitive risk. Most options have an expiry date, so if the option has not been worth converting to a head in the meantime and it expires...so too does your money/investment. Hope that helps!
  7. Spend enough time on there and you learn to weed out the cheersquadding and downramping. The former is useful for at least making you feel good about your shares but the really useful info is few and far between - good in depth analysis of fundamentals, some technical analysis (even though I don't really believe in that), people who can translate technical jargon into lamens terms for you. What I think HC is most useful for is discovering volatile stocks (usually the most discussed) that will have movement whether up or down. This is what you want if you're trading short term.
  8. Who said it's tomorrow?
  9. What pocket space, your phone now takes up more 88E is stalemate at the moment it seems...anticipation peaked, everyone holding their positions now until news
  10. That's cool, they've replaced cheap disposable lighters you can store in your cigarette pack with a lighter-sized conjoint twin obstrusion for your phone that depends on its battery, just to rule out something for you to do when your phone battery is dead
  11. So is Adam Goodes
  12. It's binary and measurable...you're either in front of someone or you're not. Heaps more relevant to the real world use of most of these cars than the idiots throwing dyno figures at each other or trying to run 400kw through stretched ling longs.
  13. And whose is that
  14. I don't get the reference, what is 23.GTR?
  15. Comparing dynos is ultimately a pointless exercise and the fixation on achieving certain figures is dumb So too is a ton of power if you're not making it grip or having it anywhere you're actually going to use it I'd rather use the Birds measure of power - rolling drag races baby
  16. lol Dissatisfied cause their friends made 30kw more at chequered
  17. Or the abundance of phone calls I got asking for a tune, so I'd tell them to go to RacePace lol
  18. Lulzy photos of an Aston in front of graffiti; such a ghetto looking vehicle
  19. Given enough ime my 33R will be worth more than one of those
  20. Thanks for the status update Sounds like a chequered reputation
  21. Hearts gone astray...is your name actually Grey Pearl?
  22. What are you dr drifts glorified pa Let his dead dog fight its own battles
  23. His German Shepherd bit my hand; grudge for life here
  24. Sorry, can see pic now. Thought all GTRs were manual already? Is this an Autech edition?
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