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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Settle down brah, he lost reverse gear
  2. Oh sorry was thinking non turbo; they have 4 stud hubs/wheels
  3. Befitting of your username but each to theirs Just be warned the cost is almost always more than buying. Might want to do a 5 stud conversion at the same time?
  4. I blame Dezz buying more for this shit. Sold 5.9 looking to buy back in lower / avoid drops. Here's hoping it doesn't rise hard and bite me in the ass
  5. Don't bother converting a car from auto that came so abundantly in manual Unless it's a prime example or you have a huge sentimental attachment to it
  6. Criminal
  7. This will sell today/tonight Demand is ridiculous
  8. Greg please don't take this the wrong way but stay the f**k away from 88e
  9. Yeah it's been awesome, am very lucky. I still think the share is ridiculously undervalued given the company prospects and asset potential, which is why I haven't sold out. Just gotta think of the profits as reinvestment instead of taking it out. 88e is doing a good job of flying under the investment radar, which will send it into orbit if/when we cop good news and mainstream media starts reporting it. That's pretty much how it ten bagged last time.
  10. Commsec is accurate
  11. Unless it's related to oil or drilling progress I don't care for annual/mid/quarterly reports. They say nothing anyone following the company closely doesn't already know.
  12. I didn't even read it Thought Leigh was going to
  13. If news doesn't come for us tomorrow it will probably go up again because of Friday FOMO. Historically we've had news released early in the week, Monday/Tuesday etc. London tonight will be a good indicator. If they continue the upward see-saw with us, I'm almost certain we'll open up again tomorrow.
  14. Good luck with that. I'm convinced customer service at these large multi-level organisations is set up in the least efficient way possible so as to deter you lodging complaints, not unlike the process for contesting a traffic infringement via court. With Telstra you get stuck speaking to frontline robots who handball you to other robots and with the automated SMS/email bullshit you end up with about 3 different case IDs and 4 different people assigned to each. If they can't resolve an issue you won't ever get told this, it will simply stay in the ticket queue forever and a day.
  15. Can use existing but given the gearbox is out and single plate clutches aren't incredibly expensive, wise to replace a fairly used one at the same time.
  16. Hit 5.1 at one point Now at the stage where a lot of people are gonna be taking profits. The share spent a lot of time in the 3s and plenty of short-mid termers got hold of it.
  17. But...I am Chinese...hence 88e Surprise motherf**kers
  18. Happy 88e Hamish
  19. Make it rain
  20. Hey Hok, Are these black or midnight purple?
  21. Yeah they sorted themselves out somehow It occasionally chokes once every 20 games but it's playable the rest of the time. If anyone uses internet at the same time I lag out though - that's more my internet than the powerlines. Overall those things are pretty magic.
  22. Looks like my latency when I first started using powerline adaptors
  23. Temptation intensifies
  24. I ain't daytrading it...you can set price change alerts with the commsec app Price increases are great, don't get me wrong But as a long termer they are annoying temptations to sell and take profit, and also a reflection of potential over-anticipation from holders...do not want on the cusp of potentially good long term news.
  25. One day I hope to afford Rio Tinto shares, they are like $50 a pop
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