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Everything posted by Birds

  1. There's a reasonable explanation for this and it's pretty much vocal minority. Most people who post about car theft on SAU are not regular contributors and only ever come to SAU for help when their car has been stolen or to buy/sell parts. They're not going to come on here and post about an attempted theft because they don't need help with that. And no offence intended for the OP, but these people aren't the type to frequent the forums and help out other people with their stolen cars. So the stories of successful thefts will always outweigh those of unsuccessful. Besides that, there are actually instances posted on here of unsuccessful thefts. See Kinkster's. I had people break into my Skyline at 5pm on a weeknight outside my house. My alarm went off, which it usually does for loud cars going past so I ignored it. Later in the night I walked out to car and found the door ajar and lock fked, but no attempt was made on the ignition barrell and no items were missing. I conclude my alarm scared off their brazen attempt given the time of day.
  2. Not hers but she messaged the guy who owned it and he knows about it
  3. 3000rpm / 4.11 = 730 730 x 3.9 = 2847rpm Looks like my guess wasn't far off. That's one magic diff mate.
  4. Yes, as previously stated, I used to fit diffs and do ratio swaps for customers. The problem with your real world experience is that it's also based on a guess - your recollection - and can be wrong too...and it is. Not only does this lead the OP to believe they'll have some drastic difference in engine speed, but anyone searching the topic may make the same mistake.
  5. cbf looking for the ratios and rolling diameter to do a calculation, but it'd be all of ~150rpm difference IMO
  6. Fk if I had the money and room...and balls
  7. Cunts This occasionally happens, like the guy who nicked my R1 and chose bitumen for his last meal. Feel like you can't park anywhere if your car gets nicked in an hour long window. Insurance is an absolute must these days. No chances.
  8. Brother found out a fructose intolerance recently...seems to be the new buzz allergy I should test myself, probably have a slight lactose intolerance, but l'd like to think I'm manly enough to eat anything except a salad
  9. You should get a cheap single bed foam mattress and try cutting out a face hole out if it. Used to love sleeping on my stomach with head to the side as a kid, no pillow. Can't even lie like this for 15 minutes these days; squats and deads turned my neck into tinman. There are a few proponents of sleeping on the floor - they reckon it's difficult at first but you get used to it. Can't see them having partners without their own dating site though...
  10. I feel like you are Greg 2.0 in the making
  11. Yeah if Nissan isn't on there then the whole turbo is aftermarket, not just the rear housing and CHRA. Sounds like you guys have sussed out what turbo it is anyway, but you can visually compare the comp wheel to a pic of a standard one or measure diameters. Will give a rough idea of what sort of power you can chase with it. Either way, your stock 25 isn't so stock anymore...you generally don't chuck a turbo like that on there and not boost it.
  12. They pretty much aren't a good thing, as most have terrible postures. Even posture correcting mattresses are built on the assumption that no one moves about in their sleep, or that they lie down in the same position every night, otherwise you could hinder it. When I asked the beds for backs salesman what happens if I sleep on my stomach or move around (which I used to do for years) - he pretty much laughed off the idea so I laughed off his commission.
  13. That sounds a bit cheap for a latex...when I was looking at those years ago they were a 5k+ proposition. Went all the way up to $10k for coconut fibre shit.
  14. Bed frame means buggerall as most use shitty slats anyway Spend up big on a mattress. Granted, a mattress salesman told me this, but it's no less true: you spend around 1/3 of your life in bed and most people spend more on their car. Not saying you can't get a decent mattress for a grand or less, but a good night's sleep changes a lot in life and you do get what you pay for. Pillow is the same deal. If you're going to a joint like Beds For Backs, they can sell you a mattress that has a posture keeping shape and set it up for you. That does kind of make every other bed you sleep in feel shit tho. Soft vs hard = personal preference but hard is more supportive and your body will eventually conform to anything given enough time.
  15. HKS turbos are for most part rebranded Garrets with stronger actuators Ite certainly not stock though. Check if Nissan is on the comp cover. Could also pull off your intake piping and gaze at the compressor wheel.
  16. http://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/the-outrageous-fines-you-face-if-you-dont-fill-out-census-properly/news-story/c0deab26de8ee81f44c37a9a5ab1d990 That's more of a wallet burner than 88E
  17. If you go back to my original point - that there are so many tinfoils worrying about the information they give to census, meanwhile many of them ignorantly give plenty of exposure to their private lives and identities on social media - it makes sense. All I'm saying is, if you are the type to worry about your info being in someone else's hands...there's more to worry about with social media than census. I will put any amount of money on it that more identities have been compromised through these channels than the ABS in Australia, and that's just identity theft, let alone the other risks of social media exposure.
  18. And that's social media without hacking If we introduce that into the mix And play the statistics game http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2016-06-16/myspace-hack-prompts-afp-to-ask-users-to-delete-old-accounts/7516934
  19. It's very simple borci... Pick a random person - see who can find more info about them - you using census (you have to hack it first) or I using social media kgo Understand yet?
  20. lol I'm not paranoid about social media, just not egocentric enough to assume someone would want information on me...but if they did...good luck. Happy census filling!
  21. All the other organisations and bodies have those details too and to my knowledge census has had no breaches of personal information security, so I don't think it's a relevant concern as their protocols are obviously working. I'm pretty sure the uproar is over them retaining name for 4 years instead of 18 months anyway. Social media can be used for evidence by courts and forced to hand over information in police investigations - ABS can't. I also think you're giving too little credit to how powerful social media can be for finding out information through logical deduction. I've used it to track down people who owe money and the sheriff and myself were astounded myself at how much I could find out by plotting it out CSI style. Trawl through someone's public FB or insta or twitter, you'll find their full name and date of birth which is usually enough to bypass most third party account holder security checks. From there you can have their more clumsy staff disclose addresses, phone numbers etc. Put it this way: you start with census and I'll start with social media and we'll see who can obtain more details about someone...and I'm not talking their latte preference!
  22. Fair enough Back when I used to diff swaps people often expected a marked difference from this kind of ratio swap and were always a little disappointed with the end result, as opposed to those who had gone to something like a 3.7 etc.
  23. You mean the stuff tied to your tax file number, bank accounts, Medicare etc. Info the evil government organisations already have? There is arguably infinitely more danger available from exposing strangers to your social media profiles than data collected by government organisations. Tracking cookies for google ads etc. are more intrusive and most users happily live with them.
  24. The unbelievably egocentric ramblings of paranoid schizophrenics / conspiracy theorists The gen y ones worry about identity theft, fraud and framing by having someone's name...brb guys posting my photos from my vacation to Instagram and FB for all to see along with some visual identifiers of where and how I live.
  25. Why not go for a more aggressive difference? 4.11 to 3.9 will make buggerall difference
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