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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Mohsen's had his shit PUSHED IN
  2. Oaktown...Oakland definitely in the house
  3. If you think a twenty is plenty you need to drive a twenty five
  4. I once test drove an RB20 for gearbox issues and while waiting for the turbo to spool, I swear a decrepit old lady zoomed past me in a Corolla laughing her ass off as vvti kicked in
  5. Gotta look at the long term benefits and potential for future upgrade. Also shaving nearly 6-7+ years off the engine age. Resale value will be slightly increased. General reputation amongst VWLers etc.
  6. Price drop
  7. It means you should have bought the RB25
  8. Farkin NV numberplates I saw ISHOWU on an old Jaguar XF on the weekend. What am I being shown? Your move into the cheaper end of prestige Euro?
  9. Chrysler 300C?
  10. Looks like a wide body S15 now
  11. If O2 hasn't been done or hasn't been done for 80,000km it will likely be that
  12. Nah that's pretty bad Mines tuned rich as fk with moderate power and does 13 or less on 98
  13. No EOFY report from Director Heisenberg?
  14. Nah not up to date with gold either. All about the black gold. But I like diamonds and had LOM on watch when they discovered that massive diamond...were a few opportunities there
  15. I haven't been involved with metals so couldn't give any useful insights into ore. Is it a long upward trend by way of inflation or can we attribute other variables to it? Silver had that sort of uphill long term run. What did you do with PDI? Mining, pharmaceuticals and IT startups are your massive short term gainers, but in a sea of them it's hard to pick which will take off. 88E was once in a lifetime shit for me - small company on the cusp of bug things flying under the radar. Companies no one has heard of that make newsworthy discoveries. That being said, I've witnessed massive gains (without investing in them) from most of the highest talked about shares on hot copper. Many of these companies are hotly discussed because they're in transitional phases waiting for deals to be signed or results or reports. Obviously not guaranteed, but where there's smoke there's fire and if you like a gamble these are fun to get excited over whether you win or lose.
  16. CEO copped 450k this year With a bonus of 230k He's no REA, but gonna ask him if he needs a glorified PA
  17. It's quite volatile at the moment; a daytraders wet dream, as every point it fluctuates is ~3%. Pain in the ass for short and long term holders like myself, as it's being manipulated on the regular to fluctuate it in favour of market makers. Have much evidence of this in screenshots on my phone. I made a grand in a week of day trading it; this wasn't so much to make me money as it was to guard my long term investment from any fall into the 2's. But the recent spike screwed me over because when I last sold out for a $340 profit, the price continued to go up...forcing me to buy back in at a higher price because I feared it may not come down again - but as you know, picking highs and lows is as easy as lucky as red and black streaks in roulette; pure gambling. Short term, we may have some significant news coming in August re: seismic photography results that could see it break 4 cents again (I believe 6 cents+) if the news is positive. There is also the spud of our second well, progress of which alone should create a steady rise. So there's money to be made for all traders with this one, if you can pick your moments, but I think those who will benefit most are the long termers who are prepared to wait at least a year for the second well to be drilled, results interpreted, and joint venture / buy out deals signed. If that happens as planned, I think the share will be in tens of cents and potentially even $1+ if the price of oil continues to recover (it's had a sizeable slump recently). To give you an idea of why $1 a share is a long, but plausible shot...there is a conservative 1 billion barrels of oil under the ice and the break even price for fracking it is 39USD/barrel. Theoretically, if the oil can be pumped, for every $1 the price of oil rises above that break even mark, the company assets grow 1 billion dollars in value. There are currently 3 billion shares in market to my knowledge. In 2013 the price of oil was $90+ a barrel. It's a finite resource that if we don't find a technological replacement for in coming decades, will always grow in value over the long term. So to me, price slump or no price slump, one day the resource will be worth shitloads and that is why I think everyone should have some coin in this one...and do their own research. Not financial advice!
  18. Are you after daytrades, short termers or long term prospects?
  19. That sounds like the shocks/valves are completely assed?
  20. This is what I did and after 3 years of up and down Toorak Rd they no longer perform the function of what you would describe a shock absorber Not to mention squeak as fk in the cold Can't wait to get my Shockworks in
  21. So you're saying...Centreline gave you a good deal?
  22. You should try Centreline
  23. I think illegal is if their lowest height setting makes the car illegal in ride height Was the company Shockworks? If so, heard nothing but good and fitting a set to R33 soon MCA are another Aussie one I think
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