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Everything posted by Birds

  1. I wouldn't go a headjob without it
  2. Impossible not to if you're going for the botoxed / smooth as eggs look
  3. There are plenty of ways to gain muscle, yes, we are only pointing out the most efficient ways that are going to have you up and running sooner. Just want to save you the years of side raises and bicep curls that will nothing for you compared to focusing on the big lifts. 3 chest exercises won't do anymore for you than one chest exercise done properly or to the same intensity. It is much the same muscles being used. This is fitness OCD and I used to have it too - 4 lat exercises and my back is bigger just from doing pullups alone. People have different body types and goals, but too many use that as an excuse/reasoning why they do some weird program. As Rev said, you are ultimately limited by genetics, but this does not mean you can't train efficiently like other people and get decently big off the same methods. You've stated you want to gain muscle and that's the only reason we've jumped in and said hey try this. We've said our bits and it is a build thread, so I'll respectfully duck out now and pop in only to support / cheer you from here on out. As for your lower back and deadlifts, I recommend trying them with an empty bar and go from there. Hell, start with a broomstick until you have the mobility right for it and marginally increase weight over time. If you feel any pain, you can stop - it won't be anything that will break your back in and instant. Otherwise, enjoy the strengthening and medical benefits of deadlifts!
  4. I disagree - the left will brand them all racists, but consider voters like the younger generation who are struggling to get into their first home - all Hanson has to do is push the idea that foreign markets are largely responsible for this and she'll win support from some of them. People terrified of terror attacks or sick of Islamic segregation in western society - the numbers are growing. The left can say that is simply more and more people are being exposed as racist but that's pretty much their retort for anyone who disagrees with their opinion anyway.
  5. I didn't watch the full show as only caught the last 10-15, but isn't that what every politician who appears on the show does anyway?
  6. If Bolt despises him then he's probably not right wing enough. Obtaining a seat in the senate is hardly well in the minority and either party would be foolish to ignore the voter base who elected her, dismissing them all as right wing extremists. Hanson will have support from racists, but she will also have support from xenophobes (people afraid of Nick?) and people who are against immigration for other reasons. She will have support from people who are sick of Australian industry and real estate being sold off to foreign investment. The round of applause she got on Q&A when she suggested they need to create more jobs and kick start the country again...I'll wager if she can continue virtue signalling this stuff and appeal to fears of Australians, and doesn't do anything really stupid over the next 3 years...she'll be back with even more votes next time.
  7. Don Lemon - what a backpedalling little cuck. Sheriff David Clarke for pres
  8. She got a few claps when she called people out on their bullshit; entertainig as f**k. That idealistic greenie in particular - suck a dick. Everytime Q&A features a greenie it's inevitably an appeal to climate change. What a cracker line "those businesses are ruining the planet" or something like that. f**k people are happy to bite the hand that feeds them. The thing is, she is filling a vacuum created by Turnbull not being near enough a right wing conservative - watch her collect all the support from people who don't want immigration etc.
  9. Really though, Tom, as someone still lifting relatively light you don't need most of those exercises in the program. 4 or 5 comprehensive compound exercises will not only work most of the muscles in your body at once and proportionately, but if done properly, you won't even have the energy for any others. Less is more, in a sense. You saw how quickly I had Grant lifting 100kg in spite of awful mobility. He was only doing 3 exercises. This is something I wish I had the benefit of knowing in my younger years, because all I do these days is 4 or 5 exercises and it's enough. I look better/bigger and am stronger than the younger me who used to do 15 different exercises a week. If I could turn back time... Lift smart not hard
  10. I'm a big proponent of stretching and yoga type holds these days. I do them on weekend mornings when I get out of bed and sometimes after exercise (have heard it's not good to do stretches less than a couple hours before an intense workout). I read some info that suggested stretching will help with muscle growth by stretching the muscle fascia, allowing the muscle more room to grow along the joints rather than being shortened by constant contractions from exercise with no stretching. Whether there's truth to that or not, there's no denying my mobility and flexibility have improved - much less injury prone now and old injuries have all but disappeared by increasing the range of motion with stretches. The best exercises it has helped with are plyometrics like box jumps. Now up to 125cm and counting
  11. What rails are fitted to the Recaros?
  12. Yes I was, did you spot me?
  13. Like strippers named after the exotic cars they want
  14. Unrelated...all the new mustang owners I've seen have zero interest in driving it like a sports car. Like the generation of 86 drivers
  15. Pull up alongside ol mate in a 335i. Not even egging him on and 30 seconds later he plants it as he changes lanes on the westgate freeway to show off...flash flash. Suck it lol
  16. Yeah but a majority of people would say yes save the children in Africa - how many actually help to do that? Armchair opinions don't change anything and shouldn't. If they can't even be bothered voting, how can we count on them to have researched the effects of their opinion? f**k em! I agree with last point - Turnbull's plebiscite should have made an appearance during the recent election instead of being a hundred million $ plus independent exercise
  17. My point is you don't get much more democratic than not forcing people to vote in a binary referendum There are plenty of leavers who didn't vote either Idiots are crying that it's not democracy when they had their opportunity to participate; can hardly call it otherwise because they were too lazy to represent their views Like whinging that you lost a race you never entered
  18. It is a country where millions believe a referendum is unfair and not in the interests of democracy
  19. 20/20 hindsight is amazingly clear - you can find 15 other stocks on the ASX that will have done the same thing or more in the last week. Nintendo just needs to stay out of the hardware game. 88E rose a bit today...can only attribute this to the release of a corporate video that revealed nothing new about the company. Investors are frivolous sometimes. Have made around $1200 day trading the share for the last couple of weeks, as it bounced between 3.1 and 3.2 cents a few times. Al, that doesn't mean I made .1 cents for every trade That's pure gambling on a consistent trend though. I will be holding for the whole of August, as seismic results are expected sometime then, and if they are good...could be a game changer.
  20. Dot 5 is the hipster of brake fluids
  21. Alvin lacked style and substance, which is why he had trouble with strange housemates
  22. The DOT rating on the bottle can exceed that of the reservoir specification too
  23. I'm sure it would be given how long the stuff sits in cars for, but also given how much bikes depend on brakes to stop at high speeds and save the rider's life...you might wanna spend $30 on some good stuff?
  24. Fair enough then, thanks for the answer
  25. Not to mess with your ad, but can't you buy these brand new from justjap for $3700?
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