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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Leigh pls...Ric is inner suburb and not Asian
  2. Dezz moves in with you, tenants his property?
  3. One might see my rep and mistake me for something of a virtue signaler I think that's impressive given the level of controversy I take on
  4. Yeah but @HEKT1K Do you still get notifications for this?
  5. Maybe they'll finally learn their lesson after the 600th fine
  6. Ricky Muir doesn't come across at all How exactly is that dude reaching his target electorate and through what channels
  7. Sex Party
  8. American Express merchant fees are higher for the seller than most credit cards, to cover their rewards programs, hence a lot of merchants will have a surcharge for the use of such cards or flat out say they don't accept Amex/Diners. Used to piss off a few customers when they'd whinge why I didn't accept Amex, or would offer to charge them more and tell them that they're welcome to pay the 4-5% transaction fee or whatever it was.
  9. The PayPal that takes a percentage of the transaction from the seller for allowing a customer to pay that way? Leroy pls
  10. I can see the headlines now "Business tries to make money, defies altruistic expectations"
  11. That^ Businesses absorb credit card fees
  12. Buy 4 of these! They are cheap enough http://www.ebay.com.au/ulk/itm/161912396227
  13. inb4 my brokerage deduction is included in the federal budget
  14. lol penny stocks, show me the real money
  15. Hypergear turbo?
  16. Don't know why people make a point about jerry cans at a track day, that's the easiest part of organising yourself for one
  17. No, it encourages people to invest in insurance as an aside to an alarm and immobiliser. Just a bit unfair to assume OP didn't have any of this; for all you know he had both, left his car parked at home and wasn't home when it was stolen/towed. Also, there are ways around alarms and immobilisers, besides a tow truck. You can tow a car with a strap easily. And as many kids as there are stealing cars, the guys with two trucks have not left town.
  18. Please don't
  19. Very much depends where the car is stored and the temp you're starting it at In the carpark beneath apartment complex, mine can be a bitch if it's gone down to 4 degrees overnight - talking 10-12 cranks. Haven't bothered to get the cold start tuned properly. Normal winter day after not having driven for 24 hours is about 2-3 cranks most.
  20. Now that the variables have finally been adjusted to work in harmony, it's time to introduce some more
  21. My bike got nicked from a gated complex; was steering locked and had a disc lock with an ear piercingly loud alarm that would go off just by moving the lock slightly - often set it off just undoing it. Found a screwdriver at the scene and that was it. If they really want it, they will get it. All those things do is deter or stall for time. Insurance is the must.
  22. When VWL doesn't ask the question you want it to
  23. Microsoft only bought it to market shit to millions of idiots who think they are networking with people who can help them with their careers (read: other idiots who are all CEOs / managing directors of one man shows).
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