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Everything posted by Birds

  1. I'm telling you when the sex party wins the whole country wins, unless you don't like sex
  2. Well they came to our website once...around election time...asking us to vote for them so they could help represent us. We might get another visit from them in the lead into the election. Don't see this guy turning up to meets at car clubs or CAMS events and promoting motoring enthusiasm? Then again, I haven't really been paying attention cause politician.
  3. I feel like the results would be so awful they would actually carry over to the other universe through some sort of Christopher Nolan-esque wormhole
  4. tl;dr: whoever is elected won't really impact your day to day life anywhere as much as anyone suggests it will Unless the greens, because the greens.
  5. The building behind him might be a good investment
  6. Turns out Liberal tradie is real...his words or his voice I'm still unsure of lol
  7. Was Kobe the black guy?
  8. My apologies, let's go back to your empirical, ill-informed utter crap instead lol Edit: wait, I see you've already taken us there. Pay no heed.
  9. Just saw the Liberal ad Seriously Bad And I vote for the f**kers most of the time
  10. The funny thing is how much of a reality the above is for dezz
  11. Spoken by Hamish Hampton, Australian Sex Party
  12. Don't you mean the other way around? Or is Shorten really that desperate for votes lol
  13. Curiously, how hard does the union push its members to vote a certain way? I knew of people back in the day who pretty much got kicked out / ostracized for voting Liberal; stopped getting offered work etc.
  14. Just heard an anti-Turnbull ad on the radio spoken by the ETU...had absolutely nothing to do with unions...or electricity for that matter. Sex party gets my vote again; at least they stand for somethig tangible and desired
  15. Along with the collective voting population who got rid of John Howard in favour of "young blood" Kevin Rudd...
  16. Andrew Bolt telling conservatives to choose Shorten as a shorter term evil...this has to leave Hamish with some dissonance
  17. 1. I don't remmeber saying the AR15 was full auto, but anyway, it's not hard to turn a semi into a full auto with some home modifications or the kit below...and someone with a quick trigger finger can do just as much damage which is why semi rifles are also banned in Australia (unless you're a primary producer iirc). http://www.grandviewoutdoors.com/guns/new-trigger-makes-ar-15s-nearly-full-auto/ 2. Give us both a room full of civilians and a ton of ammo, you a handgun and me the AR15 and see who can cause the most damage before we both get taken down! Again, f**k TAC, I'll take the 10 deaths over the 50. 3. Yes and we just had one that was committed by someone legally, at least we could have curbed that. Also, again, less guns in circulation translates to less that can be obtained illegally. Prices go up, as does difficulty to obtain and it ends up just being the gangs who have the illegal weapons; look at Australia. 4. So that's...great...people who probably just want to steal money end up with an instant death sentence - putting law enforcement into the arms of people who aren't trained officers will surely end well? And for every robbery saved (and it's rare), I could cite a case where a kid got hold of the family gun or they shot a family member, or the person was shot with their own gun by a home invader. Concealed weapon works in theory if everyone carries, but they don't, and most massacres happen in concealed weapon free zones. 5. And yes there are countries with similar laws to America, without all the problems...that doesn't mean America "should work" in theory. If the problem is cultural that doesn't mean the solution can or has to be. Other kids might be responsible, but if a kid can't be trusted or responsible with something you take it away and it puts a stop to it. Hide the object so it's harder for them to get hold of it. Castrate the ability to mass shoot and the mentality may still be there, but the death toll much less...that's my main point here. Yes people will use pistols instead of assault rifles, or knives instead of guns; I know which I'd rather have to deal with. This will never change though as gun culture is too widely celebrated in the states and unfortunately they have to taken everything that goes with it, including misuse...unfortunately those who aren't pro gun lobby will be amongst the victims list too.
  18. Looks like Alex
  19. Grant found someone else who likes tri spokes?
  20. Only if you can't access your porn
  21. It's the wins that create addiction
  22. Plenty to be made off short term trading them with trends, if you can pick the right timing. We've bounced back and forth between 3.5 and 4 cents so many times I could have made a few grand if I had been ballsy and smart enough. I sold at 3.7 two days ago with the intention of buying back in at one of our regular drops to 3.5 or even 3.6. Each .1 cent is $400 for me. Unfortunately the flamin mongrel is now up at 3.9 lol, so I could be waiting a week...but I think it'll happen again as no real news due until August.The risk is that one day you're sold out of the share and then major good news drops...suddenly to buy back in you only get 2/3 the shares for the same money, or you gotta tip in heaps more money just to get back the shares you had previously. Gambling. Sometimes being at a loss is a good thing because you've already lost enough that there's no point selling out. It forces you to leave the money in and let the share do its thing. That's what happened to me...first bought at 1.8 cents...shit dropped to .6 cents...couldn't he bothered selling just to get 1/3 my investment back. Forgot about it and 3 months later it peaked at nearly 8 cents. I'll be seeing 88E til the end; rather lose 20k than know I missed out on 400k...I can live with the former.
  23. Correct; once you sell those shares, it becomes a realised loss on paper and can be claimed. If 88E happens to bounce back then you never had a loss; you never had your car blah blah. Same goes with profit...if you never sell them then you never pay capital gains tax on them. Leigh had to pay capital gains tax cause he finally sold his shares to buy a house, after owning them for decades. Handy hint: if you've owned shares for at least 12 months you only pay half the capital gains tax on any profit they've made you. Good reason not to sell if it's a long term investment strategy, which 88E is. I only sold my 88E shares a couple days ago so I could realise some capital loss, as I'm headed for a tax bill because I sold them a few months ago back when I made a heap on them...then bought back in. Broker fees are also tax deductible if I recall correctly.
  24. You can claim it as a loss but it doesn't offset your income tax as it's a separate tax to it. So what happens is, in future if you make a profit (capital gain) on something like property or other shares, the tax you would ordinarily have to pay on that profit can be negated by any losses from previous financial years. You basically take the loss in the ass until you make a profit and then the loss becomes useful. Let's say you lose $2k on 88E in one financial year and make 800k on selling your house in another financial year, say 5 years from now, if you kept carrying the loss forward then you won't have to pay capital gains on 2k of your 800k profit.
  25. I know someone who outsourced their job to India, kept themselves on the payroll and basically passively/lazily worked it - IT related job so they didn't have to be onsite most of the time anyway. They got caught eventually though lol, those outgoing calls to and from Mumbai add up...
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