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Everything posted by Birds

  1. What was shit about it? Looks like increase on most things?
  2. Strychnine = fairly tasteless and odourless I actually recall a story of someone who was being poisoned by their spouse, and because the doses were so low initially, they built up something of an immunity to the particular poison and by the end of it (think they actually survived) the dose they were receiving was enough to kill a horse.
  3. I'm due for capital gains. And yes, if you made a loss on shares then claim a capital loss so that it offsets future gains. You can carry forward the loss as long as you keep reporting it each year. Sold my shares so I could write down a loss, will buy back in EOFY.
  4. I was gonna put a bet on my footy team this weekend but they are only paying $1.90 lol I make more than that
  5. Any prospective evo buyer should be concurrently considering their next vehicle
  6. Testing waters but keeping it safe! We still have injuries but the lifts are getting strong in spite of them, so just being cautious and keeping an eye on form + any possible aggravation.
  7. Gotta be a world record for evo ownership
  8. fwiw all Evos clunk like shit heaps I'm pretty sure
  9. Better to blend in when you live in my suburb
  10. "I just need to get my finance sorted first" said no genuine buyer ever
  11. Series 2 only Series 1.5 had driver side airbag
  12. Yep, if people want something bad enough they'll get it, but like ice for example, we would have a much worse problem if we didn't actually do anything about it and let circulation just run amok. Less guns = more cost to obtain them = harder for basic thugs to get hold of them. Economies of scale alone will curb the problem massively. The guy who sold the gun to the Orlando shooter, his attitude was "I just sold him the gun, if he didn't buy from me he would have bought from another store" - and that's the problem in a nutshell. Versus having to go to lengths to get a decent gun, he might have rethought his plan, or having to settle for something he had to cock for every shot, so a lot less lives might have been taken or this guy could have been tackled after only getting off a few shots. America will never see it this way though. Too many there are obsessed with a culture, tradition and hundreds year old constitution that was first written when guns couldn't accurately kill at more than 15 metres and when the biggest threat to national security was indeed a foot soldier. Now this culture is just a burden to their own homeland security and does little in the way to scare off any real threat to them - think Russia or NK could give a stuff about Bobby Ray and his AR15 assault rifle hahaha
  13. Numberplate 21 is up for auction at Shannon's Listed between 500-550k Numberplates be a good investment; cannot see these falling in value or staying the same for as long as the current plating system is in place and there is an influx of wealthy candidates looking for their next status symbol
  14. Pretty much my point! And I don't buy TACs bulllshit campaign of zero is the only acceptable number of fatalities. Death is a numbers game and everyone is happier with less if there's a way to achieve it. The US pro gun lobbyists will cry leaving only the bad guys armed with full autos and needing to protect their country, but f**k, their country is under attack...from itself...and how many civilians ever manage to stop these massacres? It's always the gunman who suicides or the police shoot him in the end, Ultimately less guns in circulation in a country means less guns people can get hold of, legally or not. Trying to get a full auto in Australia as a bad guy is now a lot harder than it used to be pre-1996.
  15. Seatbelts probably too, as most SRS systems have pretensioners in them
  16. Don't start that shit...
  17. Only have to look at the other 99.99999% of the sugar consuming population who don't go on mass shooting rampages to establish sugar was not the underlying factor at hand... Let's consider that having a gun might have had more weighting on that decision and ability lol
  18. Pardon my ignorance but can't you just hollow out your afm or leave unplugged? Is this mostly for aesthetic appeal?
  19. Wait a minute...blue coat bought out for 450 billion cents? I thought a whole company be worth dollars at least lol
  20. Dunno but either way he's not getting it or appreciating the clever satire I put into such lyrical parodies
  21. Still an excuse
  22. It was definitely drez 'cause when I frequent the spots that I'm known to rock, you see the case from the hunt when I'm on the block Ladies, they pay homage, but colleagues say bumper fell off
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