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Everything posted by XxNinjaxX

  1. if you need any parts ordered, im more than happy to help out. I work at nissan so i get parts cheap cheap just give me the part number and i'll give you a quote, only condition is payment must be made to me before ordering to ensure im not stuck with the bill
  2. their not bad for them but they do create more resistance which is going to slightly affect performance but hey its kinda one or the other unless you spend big bucks on a hks system or one of those big name brands. best/cheapest way to go about it is add in a couple hotdogs. ive got a full 3" system with a hotdog about half way and its pretty reasonably quiet unless you get it on boost. so going on that i'd say 2 hotdogs will be enough to satisfy you gf haha. or just turn up the radio
  3. i would of belted his face in.
  4. buy yourself a stock S1 Gtst front bar, obviously your not aware that you have to do really random shit with your car to avoid the bumper scrapping that makes other motorists think "WTF? is he doing" like going over speed bumps/inclines/driveways/anything diagonally...i got sick of having to do it so i decided to put my stock one back on, best choice ever...not the prettiest but it makes everyday driving much easier.
  5. venom gauges arnt too bad either, ive got a venom boost gauge and it reads accurate to my Gizzmo ibc.. so yeah. looking at about 70 each?
  6. get a couple hot dog mufflers welded into your exsisting system, it'l drop down the droan of the note without creating a huge restriction and in turn quiet down the rawr comming out of the end. or if you really want to quiet it down get a massive muffler put in the middle.
  7. This is my girl, not the flashest/ most powerful Gts-t out there but i love it as if it were a GTR- V-Spec II hah
  8. dont forget a TK test aswell, it'l let you know the condition of the headgasket although its unlikely to be the cause as the most common sign of a blown head gasket is tonnes of white smoke/steam right on start up which goes away and slightly difficult starting first thing in the morning, or if its bad enough commpression leak into the cooling system which is fairly obvious but from what infomation you've given its obviously not that bad. from what i can see its possible to be a leak from the turbo, possibly from the turbo cooling galleries may be leaking into the exhaust side, i dont think it'd be oil as oil creates a blueish smoke.
  9. hey guys as i said i was surfing the net and found this so i thought i'd share with with you all, i find it quite an intresting read and a chance to learn about your engines a little better (rb25det) on where things are placed and location of bolts etc...dunno if anyone else here will but i enjoyed reading it, even has detailed pictures. heres the link http://skylinefiles.blogspot.com/2009/08/r...taking-off.html hope its useful to people!
  10. condensation perhaps? Every car blows white "smoke" when you first start it up around this time of year when the engine is dead cold. and it stops once the engines come to opperating temperature. until you can rule this out then i wouldnt go jumping to conclusions. my advice is to take a step back and look at the situatuation and the symptoms then work out from there a list of repairs that can be made going from cheapest to most expencive and start at the basics. but yeah, as i said it could just be the condensation from your exhaust heating up and turning the water to steam.
  11. ive had alot of people refer me to all star so i think i'll get the safc neo tuned there, thanks guys! destroyed the rings? how'd it manage to do that..i didnt buy the limiter to get my skyline to blow flames like about 99.8% of people who have them do, i just want the limiter there as a restraint so i dont rev my car anything over 4000rpm to protect the motor from my p plater right foot -.-" im not saying im a hoon or anything i dont do burnouts or drift all im saying is i cant resist getting her on boost every now and then like im sure most skyline owners do no matter how old they despite the obvious loss in fuel economy
  12. hey guys ive recently got my bee-r limiter and safc neo off ebay and im looking for a good workshop to take them to, too be fitted. any suguestions on decient places price and reputation wise?
  13. This is a sweet idea, i work at nissan and x-trails are quite a nice car to drive. i believe if you love your car who cares what it is! its YOUR car and obviously means the world to you. like ive got a 1993 R33 gts-t, its lowered, booted to 10psi,has a frontmount and 17" drift teks...i wouldnt trade it for anything cause its my pride and joy. good on you mate for being unique!
  14. does he even still have the stuff lol, it was posted back in July-09
  15. ahh ok, i was hoping they'd be a bit lighter but hey atleast the gtr spoiler looks meaner =P i saw your R33 about a month ago going down albany hwy, looked pretty agressive. is it an actual gtr or a gtst with the kit? i was too far away to tell.
  16. lighter than the gtst bootlids i might add just incase no one is able of figuring it out. no one seem to want to be very helpful
  17. hey guys just wondering if the r33 gtr bootlid is lighter/made of aluminum like the bonnets are..cheers
  18. hey guys im buying a SAFC-neo, just need some idea's on where to go to have it installed and tuned at a decient price without busting my wallet. just to give you an idea of my coin limitations im a 3rd yr apprentice mechanic..so the pays not exactly perfect cheers! Chris =]
  19. cattt pissssss
  20. hey mate, the bar fitted up nicely. had to remove what was left of the reo bar though =/ it was munched and the bar didnt fit until i removed it, the lights wont fit aswell unless i get a super slim intercooler.

  21. ok guys this is a pic of another engine ive seen hooked up in this set up and im asuming it works? its exactly what ive done except im using an electric manual verson of the turbosmart range tapped into the line thats spose to be there for the charcoal canister. im going to Kyp performance today to see what they can do, ideally i think all i need to do is drill and tap into my cooler piping and fit a boost/vacumme nipple and run it off that as the stock turbo doesnt come with a boost pressure nipple at the outlet side like most aftermarket turbo's do which would be ideal
  22. hey guys ive tried again at setting up a turbosmart electric manual boost controller with yet again another huge result of NOTHING...im starting to get annoyed because of how simple it all seems and yet getting no where..ive seen this exact setup done on another R33 and it worked...so im starting to think my wastegate is rooted or something...have a look and let me know whats going on please =] Cheers! (car is boosting over 10psi no matter what, i want it back to somewhere between 5>8 as it doesnt seem to appreciate 10..)
  23. volks ftw, i know fark all about rim choices and even i know that the volks pwn those other weetbix send away rims.
  24. sounds like a headgasket..tk test the cooling system to see if any gases are getting in it. also pressure test the cylinders. its a good start, if i were you i wouldnt drive the car untill the problem has been found to avoid any further damage
  25. lol so true, i love the fact the "psssshhhhh" turns the heads of pretty girls
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