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About Aidan

  • Birthday 17/04/1987

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    R33 GTS-T - Series 2
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  1. Hey guys, looking for a good condition aftermarket exhaust for my R33. Been looking for the Kakimoto Regu 06&R but it looks like my only option is to buy through Nengun. Anyone have any cheaper options or advice? Cheers
  2. @David Car revs as normal, I was very sure whe boost was taking longer to spool, but that may have been my imagination. When the car was running, it took ages to build speed. But as I said in my last post, car is no longer working. Just sits there in first revving its heart out. @Mosquito Given the fact I've never had any issues with the clutch before now. I'd say I probably did stuff it while learning to double. If the clutch is gone, should I go ahead and get my syncros replaced while the box is out? Can anyone give me a ball park figure on getting my syncros replaced? Cheers
  3. Hey guys, so its been a while and well, the car finally gave up. Going down the highway, stopped at a set of lights then wouldn't go anywhere it was time to go. Locked into gears fine, just wouldn't budge. What I forgot to tell you guys before was that I was messing around with double clutching... Had never done it before and decided to give it a go(I did not just watch fast and furios again). Seemed pretty hard at first but got the hang of it, just cant brake as well. Heel toe is a no go for me. Anyway, a mate of mind spoke to his mechanic and he was saying something about double clutching in the 33's screwing up the syncros or something. I dont know much about gearboxes, but I thought double clutching took the wear off the syncros? Anyone have any insight to this syncro business with the 33's?? Could screwed syncros be the issue with my car or is it more than likely the clutch? Need to figure this out before I go out and order a clutch from Jim. Dont really want to get a new one if I dont need it ya know? Money is tight atm. Advice is much appreciated. Cheers
  4. Thanks for such a quick and thorough response guys. Have not had time to diagnose the problem yet. Will be free boxing day to test it all out and get some more info. For now, the following is all I know. There is no black smome coming from the exhaust. No irregular noise, though i havn't really been listening to for it. I'll check it next time. 3000 rpm just to get out of the driveway was a bit too enthusiastic. More like 2000rpm. Thats in reverse and my driveway sits at about 30 degrees inclination. Hand brake is not engaged. When I hit boost, the revs jump up about 1-2k and the car wont really accelerate for a atleast 3-4 seconds. Boost pressure builds slower and its not reaching as high. @100Km/h its use to sit at around 2.5k now its at about 3k. From what I understand now, it appears to be poor response not lag. Thanks again guys. Will report back on the weekend when i've had time to test all my options. Cheers
  5. G'day guys As the title says, my R33 has suddenly become very laggy. Boost takes for ever to build up and the car just generally sucks to drive. I'm having more fun driving the getz around atm. First noticed it last saturday evening. Took the car out friday in the middle of the day and it was all good. Was a very hot day if I recall, and I did a fair bit of driving. Couple hundred K's here and there. I've had a problem with the gearbox for a while now, its crunches in 4th if I shift too quickly. Friday evening it had a nice big crunch. First time in months. I dont think thats the problem though since the lag is through all the gears. Even reverse. I've gotta rev the car to 3000 just to get out of the driveway. Im thinking it may be a vacume leak. Have not had the time to do any test as of yet as the christmas season has me pretty busy. If anyone has any ideas regarding what it could be and what I should do, I'd be very greatfull. Cheers NB. Car is an R33 GTS-T S2 - RB25. No modifications to engine/induction or exhaust.
  6. G'day guys, looking to try out some nice fibreglass projects and want to try laying some carbon fibre cloth over the top to make it uber sexy. Anyone know where I can buy some. Just a standard weave, none of the fancy stronger ones. Standard looks the best IMO. Although i'll take whatever I can find really. WHich is nothing atm. Cheers.
  7. Thanks for that guys. Just what I wanted to hear. Cheers
  8. Hey Guys, looking to purchase some new tyres very soon but im not too sure what to get. Was set on the KU31's since I've heard a lot of good things about them. Plus they are very cheap. I have however heard they are noisy?? Apparently they KU19 is much quieter however its also a softer compound and therefore wont last as long...So I've heard. Car is a daily and I need the tyres to last long. Hoping for like 30K. Anyone have personal experience with both tyres that can give a comparison? Cheers guys
  9. Isn't there still a selby branch down in melbourne that does Aus manufactured items? I read this somewhere not too long ago. Could be wrong though. Whiteline are still a great product though. No info regarding the Just Jap stuff though. Mate of mine is using some of the ISC stuff though and they seem pretty good.
  10. hey dude, what model optima do u have?
  11. i havnt sold the whole radd supp, only a little chunk, so i maybe have the mounts so 140 bux, im gonna finish work early tomorw so i kan make it on time to my uncles, its unbolted i took it out. giv me a buzz at 4.30, and are u gonna come tomrow 4 sure mate?

  12. ey man i kant PM anymore lol the front cut is at my uncle house in thornlie not too far away, its 10 RANGEVIEW WAY THORNLIE, wats ur num? txt me b4 u come, so $140 yea? my num is 0402776659

  13. Cheers mate, damn AFM plug wasn't in right. Feel like a right tool now. Cheers
  14. Battery died so I recharged it. But still, it starts then dies straight away. I have an R33 GTS-T Series 2. Car was previously running fine. Was off the road cos I banged the front end up a bit, just cosmetic damage. While it was down I replaced all the suspension. Will start for one second max then die, and will on occasion rev to 2k but mostly under 1k. Any help would be much appreciated Cheers
  15. Is it simply the higher the treadwear rating the better?
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