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    Perth, NOR

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    R33 GT-R
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  1. Has anyone tried the new Ferodo DS Uno pads on track? I had them recommended by one of the larger race brake suppliers in the country, and apparently everyone 'raves' about them. Has anyone used them and are they worth raving about? Any feedback on durability, disc life, modulation, etc.? Alternative is Pagid RS14 / RS29 for similar price. Thanks Jack
  2. Having gone the whole hog on my suspension, looking back my assessment would be that the best value for money to improve handling would be tyre pressures, bushes and camber adjustment (in that order). The other bits definitely make a difference, but cost to improvement ratio starts going up exponentially. Couple of good (and bad) motorsport oriented places in WA I've used. PM for details, if you want. Cheers Jack
  3. Been doin that for yeeeeeeaaaaars. It's called NOS
  4. Hi all, My brakes have copped a fair hiding in the past year and are in a bit of a sorry state. I suspect that the caliper seals must be shot, as she's seen the track quite a few times. Any advice on where I can get my calipers refurbished in Perth (i.e. new seals fitted) I'm also thinking of getting them properly repainted - any advice on where and how? Cheers Jack
  5. Dug up some old games - got goin on Diablo II again. Eating a lot of time. Hear Diablo III is close?
  6. Funny enough, I priced 888's & RE55's in the same size today. ~$500 each Not sure about the tyres, but the price does not seem bad.
  7. Very new to photography, but here are some of mine Windy Harbour on the south coast of WA Sunrise over Perth
  8. Lovely car...and it already has 400hp
  9. Is that the only mod necessary to fit the Nismo cooler?
  10. Thanks mate, I'll head over and see what they got
  11. Ok, I've set my heart on a set of RE30's for my Skyline. Anyone know who the local agents / stockists are, or are there other ways of getting hold of a new set?
  12. Ok, seems like that an oil catch tank is the way to go! Thanks blokes
  13. Ok, my car (R33 GT-R) sees quite a bit of track time, and I've noted that the majority of RB26's run an oil catch tank. It is a hideously ugly solution IMHO. Now the options I face are : - Do nothing. - Install cam cover baffles. - Install the hideous oil catch tank thing. Just like to get an idea of your experience with the above three options and any others that I don't even know about Cheers Jack
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