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Dirty Deedz

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Everything posted by Dirty Deedz

  1. im a head!
  2. evry1 keeps spamming on my account sorry guys!
  3. youll never find finance for a jap man, lol let me knoe f u do though!
  4. yer there really good, if anything ide go that ay!
  5. dnt get finance man, in this ressecion at the end of the day if your jobs not secure then neither is your car!
  6. igot an mechanic and auto electician to look at mine, they both said its nothing! so the electrician just turned off the engine light on the bak of my dash! dodge but effective...
  7. how much am i looking at 4 a new front end, sprayed ad everything i bought mine as it was! now i gota get a new 1 coz a f**king dog wouldnt get off the road????
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