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About atomaly

  • Birthday 23/10/1984

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    Southbank VIC

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  • Car(s)
    99 Stagea SII RSFour S
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  1. i'm on the lookout for a PowerFC... damn.. i missed out!..?
  2. yeah I was looking at the heat shield thinking I'd have to get that off before I had enough leverage..... >.<
  3. whats the best way to get the O2 sensor out??.... I've tried and mine doesn't seem to want to budge D: .. doesn't help where its located and the fact my wrench is slightly too big
  4. installed will start using it next time I fill up .... just got my O2 sensor yesterday.. will install it on the weekend... its too dark by the time i get home ....
  5. haha yeah I can swap that one out myself ... or were you referring to my link/vipec + tune?
  6. I think I should probably get a new O2 sensor aswell....... since my ECU died and got an auto one in there.. half a tank has only got me 120km's >.< .. I was getting 350-400 previously.... (city driving)
  7. keep seeing a black C34 on my way to work... on Barkley Avenue, Burnley (not far from where my ECU died!! haha )
  8. It came like that imported, but I did notice you can get similar mesh at all the auto (and hardware?) stores never had a problem at all, had the car well over two years now, and not a single problem from the po-po (considering I've got a carbon fibre hood, bov, fmic, pod, no cat and 3' turbo back... ) they prob like... hmmmm volvo... nice volvo... now where's the skyline that has that bov.. *turns head* I vote get the mesh and see what you think dude .. I think it looks way better than any of the stock grills.
  9. nice ride dude basically Identical to mine, apart from the kit.. I got a dolphin kit on mine.. bit curvy-er why are you going for a grill ?? just get the silver mesh, looks sweet ... *exhibit A*
  10. part number for mine is 23710 0V801 JECS TM not sure what the Auto ECU number should be? does anyone have a list of which ones are compatible? or at least how to tell which one is series 2.... did a quick search and can't seem to find much info.. (even looked through the stagea parts list thread)
  11. Ok turns out I can use an Auto ECU aswell!! so that will be fine too.. anything series 2 Auto / Manual
  12. oh that's a relief .. I didn't modify my ECU, but then, I wouldn't know what's inside it.. I might go grab it now and open it up.. ... ok looks pretty stock.. no mods! might just pick up a second hand auto ecu cheap, and give the other one back (as there is some issue with it which is why its his test one)!! anyone got a spare S2 Auto ECU they'd like to part with ?????
  13. yeah according to Mech the wiring was 'spaghetti'.. not sure what had been done previously in there, but its been sorted out apparently.... got a pretty hefty labour bill at the end of it though... (and an empty tank for some reason .. will have to question that one.. was 40km on the o.d.o since filling up) and a $300 deposit on the auto ECU, (hence trying to find a manual one cheaper for the moment, then give it back)
  14. my RS4s ECU decided to die on me the other day mech said all the outputs are fried!!... ended up finding a solution with a Series 2 Auto ECU he had laying around... and now my car actually feels like its running better and smoother.. and no longer so rich... (it was running very rich lately) trying to source another manual ECU at present via JDM.. is there any potential issues with running the auto ECU in my manual ?? Mech was very unsure if there would be ramifications.... If I can't find a reasonably priced manual ECU.. might just have to get myself a Vipec after I get my clutch done... *sigh* that time of the year I guess.. (thanks for the info Cam / Scotty)
  15. Hi guys, my ECU fuel pump circuit is basically fried so car is dead in the water at the mechanics, wondering if anyone has a second hand RS4s (manual) ECU laying around they're willing to part with ? model no: 23710 0V801 JECS TM either that or an Apexi PFC to suit... (R34 GTT) I'm located in melbourne... would prefer local pickup Tomas
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