I agree, for the time that you are on it, then once you are cleared then you can get back on the road !
N.O.T - It is the same if you need glasses to drive & you don't ... !
These sort of 'Arguments' 'Debates' are really each to their own, everyone has an opnion on it, Someone that has gotten away with it/does it every weekend will have a different opinion to someone that has never done it or someone that has lost loved once due to drink driving/drug driving etc! ...
If you drink and drive, kill a random motorist, not only are you going to jail for manslaughter, you get to have the guilt for the rest of your life, was it worth that last drink then heading home? Or that $40 instead of getting a cab?
Yeah sometimes you might be lucky and get to your destination, thank yourself lucky f**khead !
This has probably been said a few times in the topic but meh, lol ... My opinion is as good as yours