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  2. Awesome night guys and girls! First monthly cruise was a great success! Thanks to everyone that came down and introduced themselves! Good to meet some new faces I'll be putting up a poll tonight or tomorrow to further discuss the monthly cruises they will either be on the first or second Tuesday night of the month so have a think about what you guys want and vote seems like everyone had a good night, no trouble etc.. Was good fun =] if anyone has any ideas or if you want to rite a map and have us run it for one our cruises pm Olivia or myself cheers guys Sami_
  3. yeah seriously guys take it easy tonight i dont want anyone/anything f**king this up for us.. also sami said he was writing another map... but he didnt get around to it so were sticking with our first map... lets hope it does hold out with the rain.. cant wait to see some new faces and meet everyone properly =) see you's all tonight yeooooooooooooooo!
  4. Map is being rewritten tonight to include all undercover stops incase of rain. City west is located on the corner of Sutherland street and railway parade has a huge dome roof with flashing lights, can't miss it. Also referred to as scitech, Harvey Norman etc carpark thanks for the kind words Reece. This cruise will be limited to skylines only, yes that includes gtr's and stageas and r31-34 cars. You guys arnt dumb, you know what I mean when I say "skylines".. See you guys tmw night and remember, roads will probley be wet so please be carefull and take care when cruising! Channel 16 for those of you with radios cheers Sami_
  5. This cruise is limited to Nissan R3X cars only that being r32, r33 and r34 so no VLs or supras or silvias if you really wanna come then whore with someone! Or be patient and wait fir one of our open cruises which is coming up soon. Hip hop boy, our silwa forums are undergoing a few changes and you will be approved shortly pm me your details and your username and I'll get onto it asap Cheers Sami_
  6. why? Coz it would fail?
  7. oh god NO!! Northbridge is a bad idea! Stay away This is just a thought but why don't you guys organise a monthly cruise on the first Monday of every month? If you can't make it, then tough titties, you can come to next months club cruise. And what's with the mods saying it can't have anything to do with sauwa?? Care to explain?
  8. WTF? 300zx Ecu on a rb25??
  9. Who's this douche in the red skyline? The guy that's getting his car crushed here in WA drives a white ford?
  10. so what about all those people that leave kwinana drags on a Wednesday night?? There's cops there watching and cops waiting outside the venue when everyone leaves.. They don't dish out stickers fines etc If you go to this burnout and drop a skid, and are stupid enough to drive off with bald tyres then yeah you deserve a yellow sticker for your stupidity.. Comes down to common sence.. If you wanna be a sickflamin mongrel and drop skids and "hoon" around then yeah you deserve everything you get On the weekend I got pulled over by cops.. Wasn't doing anything wrong.. Just rbt I co-operated, cop looked over my whole car, inside, engine bay, boot, everywhere I thought yep, yellow sticker for sure.. The guy said "no worries mate, drive safe" Considering I have no interior in my car, roll cage, it's loud as f**k, got a highmount, no permits for any mods.. He still let me go.. Why? I dunno.. Maybe coz I was nice to him? Coz I co-operated? Coz I wasn't doing anything wrong to begin with? Maybe he was just a nice guy? Moral? Don't do stupid shit and you won't get raped I cbf typing anymore If you don't like it.. Sell your car, buy a camry..
  11. don't be weak North south and east
  12. Announce channel = yes Announce meetpoints = no =]
  13. channel 16 for those with radios Also, bring your gps' if you have one Last leg of the map is... How do I say this...??.. *thinking*... yeah, just bring gps/roadmap Hopefully you guys know your way around Perth
  14. yeah. This Saturday You going to pcd?
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