yea i no but there is a set height from the wheel arch to the centre of the wheel that it can be lowed to a set hight without being to low to get defected
since i replaced the pump runs like a dream no surgeying at all apart from i cant boost it past 11.9 its all ways done it since ive put my boost controller in
i have a boost controller on my car i have it set at the lowest boost setting which is 10psi and stays on 10psi most of the the time till it starts to revs really hard 7000+ revs it boosts up to 11.9 psi does any one no why its doin it. it is a r32 gst pretty much stock
i did mine stright after drivin it hold a rag there when u take it off its no biggy who cares if u get fuel every where it drys up heeps quick and just wipe it up once ur finished