If you are buying a PowerFC, you have the choice between either the PFC boost module, or the AVCR.
They are identical solenoids, but the AVCR has the super fun happy bonus of a "wank value" screen with cool readouts and graphs and stuff.
We got the AVCR, cause its hell handy for speed and boost peak. Not so handy is when police pull you up for speeding and the AVCR is reading "165k/hour", but a quick reset of the screen and shes apples Boost peak is awesome for ensuring you arent spiking too high. And the graph shows if you spiked momentarily, or held too high a boost for too long.
Just get PFC + AVCR And dont worry about a hand control, just get it tuned properly. If you have the hand control you wanna fiddle. At least, thats what Erin said was the reason I couldnt have one