Those two packs are the most useless radio ever made.
Runs off triple As for a start, which go flat quickly and cost a fortune to buy.
Has a whopping .1W of output, which is great if you only need to talk to the car directly in front or behind you but bloody useless otherwise. May as well just yell out the window. Oh and the MASSIVE .5W output radios go only a flys dick further and drain the batteries about 3 times faster. Woo hoo.
Spend the money and buy something at least approaching the shadow of decent. The double-A powered 2W unidens are ~150 each. They last a long time, they go a huuuuggee distance and dammit they look manly instead of little powder-puff style radios that are designed to fit in a purse (man bag?)
... (NB - AA batteries from supercheap, $1 for a 4 pack. Buy 3 of those and they last well over a month of normal (read: heavy) weekend and thursday night usage. W00t! $3/month (thats $36/year and thats assuming you only get a month out of the 3 packs. We get heaps more..))