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Everything posted by krawler

  1. I swear, thats the quickest engine transplant in the history of the world... Nice one!
  2. Thats right, it was MUCH better!
  3. I still cant figure out why this section even exists... Cant you use IRC instead? Christ, 853 pages... I shudder at the SQL entries. Hey prank, how about a CGI IRC script for the lamers?
  4. If anyone wants any full sized pics I took on the Skyrice cruise, let me know and I'll either send em to ya or post them or something. They look a lot better even at 800x600 then they do at 640x480-converted-by-PHP-plugin-resizer-not-resampler-method
  5. Argh fine I ****ed up. I read erins original post and read the bit about her and james, but that was for last times one. My bad ok, my bad! DONT HURT ME *OWW OWW* Yeah so full credit to strutto, not that whining Belgarion (hey james, is some village missing you? heheh)
  6. woo, pictures! Massive Skylines Cruise II: Part 1 Of 3: Click Here Part 2 Of 3: Click Here Part 3 Of 3: Click Here And dont forget JustDaves pictures: Click Here Heres a picture I find highly amusing: Heres a picture I find highly exciting (not to mention jealous): (NB - Both pics are from within my cruise journal entries as linked to above anyway)
  7. Ok time to goto bed... Well, Quake3 Arena anyway. Gone.
  8. PS - Page.. w00t. deserves another bear: {~._.~} ( Y ) ()~*~() (_)-(_)
  9. Sucks to you James, I'm on holidays.
  10. I do believe that cyrus has a hankering for a bit of sossage, if you know what I'm saying The hint is in the spelling of sossage. One eats sausages, one does not eat (unless one is one certain way inclined) sossages.
  11. Isnt it hard to work with all that bling bling on?
  12. Wow, and to think our kingswood had 3.55 and was too short.... So we went to 2.78s.... Yay V8 torque. Anyway. Screw the diff ratios, just give it some more low-down power
  13. My bottoms itchy. And now for something completely different... ITS.... A bear (view it with Courier or any other fixed-width font) {~._.~} ( Y ) ()~*~() (_)-(_)
  14. A 2.6L sigma with a turbo the size of a small african nation strapped onto it! Damn thing took 4 strong black men to lift into the car and the careful whipping and direction of a trained midget to get it all lined up and even fit in the car! ... And as a conclusion, your honour, I draw your attention to said sigma the very next week with a blown engine whereas Brutis (exhibit A) is still going strongly many months later. I have no further questions your honour, and rest my case. *sits down to applauding*
  15. Its ok summoner, I'm on your side. *random glares at other people* I'll give the cefiro a go in brutis. He's tasted nissan blood and wants more. (course, he got whupped, but thats hardly the point)
  16. Cant wait to hear V8 skids It'll attract bogans from near and far, you'll have a tail of about 18 falcs behind you, all grunting and pushing their mates into the bushes. Uhm someone told me the nissan V8 basically has two SR20 heads?
  17. Looks like your a lone wolf there dave...
  18. krawler


    I thought most of you people were computer nerds? Of course the dang box they're connecting from needs an IP. Jeebus. It prolly just doesnt show up cause either the rego'd on the old forums (which does have an SQL table entry for 'user ip') or it registers 'user ip' on the first post. Or the most recent action.
  19. Wow, I wonder who'd pick up on it first. PS - Hi nick
  20. Is it just to be near me? *flutters eyelashes* Oh and I do believe previous threads have reached the conclusion that a cefiro is _NOT_ a skyline. And now you know.
  21. Based on that, I reckon Brutis might scrape into the 15's (15.999 )
  22. Those two packs are the most useless radio ever made. Runs off triple As for a start, which go flat quickly and cost a fortune to buy. Has a whopping .1W of output, which is great if you only need to talk to the car directly in front or behind you but bloody useless otherwise. May as well just yell out the window. Oh and the MASSIVE .5W output radios go only a flys dick further and drain the batteries about 3 times faster. Woo hoo. Spend the money and buy something at least approaching the shadow of decent. The double-A powered 2W unidens are ~150 each. They last a long time, they go a huuuuggee distance and dammit they look manly instead of little powder-puff style radios that are designed to fit in a purse (man bag?) ... (NB - AA batteries from supercheap, $1 for a 4 pack. Buy 3 of those and they last well over a month of normal (read: heavy) weekend and thursday night usage. W00t! $3/month (thats $36/year and thats assuming you only get a month out of the 3 packs. We get heaps more..))
  23. **** cutting and polishing. Takes ages and you just end up with RSI Erin is out there polishing the car right now, but I flatly refused to do it. It'll be dirty again by next weekend and its not like polishing a car with the paint falling off is gonna do it any good.
  24. Told ya.
  25. I'm gonna page you all.
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