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Everything posted by boiracer

  1. wow where was this 6 months ago when i bought mine woulda loved a black one
  2. wasnt a skyline, but a saw a Blue 180, some long haired crazy guy hanging out the window waving at me like a madman, on my way home down the Brisbane Valley highway on monday arvo. thought it might have been someone here, if so, nice car, sounded sweet.
  3. looks good, what offset did you get?
  4. bring back the full race prep to almost any car like in GT2 etc, that would be good. prologue like Aspec is just a space filler, tuning should be much more refined i the full game
  5. good to see dedication.............as far as im concerned. unless i get an email directly from sony or polyphony telling me more details i'll ignore the other hype, where ever it is writen..ill wait, and play other games in the mean time. A s for buying an Xbox........forza 3 is the ONLY reason i would even contemplate that as it is a dam good game. but 1 game aint gonna get me to buy an xbox. thats why i have a PC. Bozodos is sounding like the door to door bible bashers trying to sell you Jesus although it clearly saiys athiest on the door.do you scan the site looking for pages that say PS3 just so you can tell us to buy an Xbox? (most peeps do own both)
  6. yup and the old plastic fuel floats in the carbies disolve and break down. and once your float dont float, your carby floods and nothing works. or fire if your really lucky
  7. yeah some cars like it others dont, my dads brand new 4 litre petrol navara hates 98 octane of any sort ethanol or not. just runs like crap and thirst. mind you 6 gears 200kw, and 2 tonnes can get thirsty anyways
  8. mado82.......dont think that way, so many people do. I'd rather wait a bit longer and get the game in its finished state not some crap thats been thrown out just to make a few buck (NFS shift comes to mind, cant wait to trade it in on a good game). GT games have always taken a long time to come out, ive waited well beyond release date for every one of the GT games. and i really dont care, its still the best selling driving game. and will always remain my favourite, as i know they will do a good job of it. the initial coments when the PS3 came out was for it to come out mid 2010, and they said it wont come out till its perfect. bring it on when its ready boys!!!! 2 for the idea of building a skyline dashboard around your steering setup
  9. akimbo shotties are sooooooo overpowered, but alot of fun, and yeah the riot shield makes for the funniest stand offs, or when people kill themselves with a ricochet while trying to shoot you. good fun
  10. so much fun, online is what this game is about, campaign is just training mode for the basic buttons. getting pwned is what its all about, and yes earning the maps and camp spots is the only way to avoid this. but its sooo much fun, and if like me you just dont care how much you die, get a shotty, and your sub machine guns akimbo and just run around like a mad man sometimes it works, lol
  11. so march seems the general theory, sooo maybe october if were lucky i get emails from PSN and nothing even a mumble about the release, so its def not january or it would be all over it. either way, gotta get my G27 and build my steering setup quick smart.
  12. other than the premium 95 which is specificly for older cars all BP fuel has ethanol including ultimate (which alot of you no doubt use). ethanol being water soluble also hides water in the fuel more, which is your only real worry not the ethanol itself. and allows PB to save money by watering down fuel easier. having said that i use ultimate cause out here its the only option, and my car loves it. on another vaguely related note. I've been told by marine mechanics never to use any BP fuel in a 2 stroke engine as the water content is far to high.
  13. id have to agree with the above sry to say. at mates rates you might be able to get it fixed for under 4k and a carton of beer, but the car will never be the same either way
  14. im with TPG, and suffer from "i cant get ADSL2" syndrome. 36 gig (18 on/18off) for $59, no issues here. and i do alot of torrenting as im in an area where hireing or buying movies/music etc just isnt an option. i've never had a copyright infringment notice, how exactly does this come about??
  15. thanks man, took me a while to find a really clean one , but im glad i shopped around. now all i gotta do is wait till the tyres are gone so i can justify putting new wheels on it.......
  16. +1 for the lack of prep to save a few bucks of our money Maleny area is a beautiful drive, but i wouldnt call it rural. well worth the trip. +1 for the poorly signed road works, and they wonder why people speed thru them
  17. theyre not dangerous, quite easy to drive. just not nice. and slowing down out here isnt an option, im not gonna be one of these slow pokes holding up 3 and 4 trailer road trains, that imo is dangerous. and ive found theyre smoother at speed than slower.
  18. oh thank crap for that. was starting to think it was just me
  19. my stock as stock can be gtst, wheels and zorst will be first on the cards, those territory wheels actually look quite nice. anything to it? or do they just bolt on? oh and the white worksmiesters on the white car, sexy
  20. i finally got mine sorted. it only did the idle hunting occasionally, the AAC clean helped, but replacing the 02 sensor fixed it perfectly. if you still have issues after cleaning, and havent replaced the 02 sensor, id highly recomend it
  21. ive been playing this alot the last few days, and it iritating me more and more each time, drift is now easy. But some of the cars bounce around far to much, the worst of which are in the invitational events, the DB9 at london and the carrera GT around spa. the carrera is near impossible to get to even the first corner without it bouncing around like crazy and while bouncing it doesnt stop or steer. sure these cars are supposed to be hard cars, but that is just stupid, im sure Porsche wouldnt make a car that starts pivoting around bouncing on all 4 wheels before you even turn the wheel...let alot on a beautiful track like spa. In other events its easy enough to fix as you can actually tune the cars to some degree but in these invitational events you cant do anything. anyone else had this issue?
  22. been a while since i went NSW way, but yeah they were bad once you head over the border. as for here, brisbane city roads are a dream in comparison to the warrego highway. im jsut glad my car is still standard, and will stay that way till i no longer have to drive what truckies refer to as the goat track. they do fix the potholes pretty quick, but the undulations are crazy, getting light in your seat at 110km/h on a so called highway is a wierd feeling. i feel bad for my shocks every time i drive up it.
  23. sry to be the first to say this...but .......YAWN!!! get to work you slackers
  24. oh and theres a G27 now hence why they no longer make the G25. shift light Led's and all
  25. i like it, took me a little while to get used to the way it drives.....then i realised its all in how you setup the driving options.... If you want arcade, leave it all on idiot mode and thrash the hell out of it. If you like a simulator, put it all on hard as hard, and it drives fantastic. thats what i love about this game, it can drive like both. and OMG the Veyron around the nurenburg ring!!!!!! (not gonna check the spelling) but i dont like the drift mode, i just cant get the hang of it. dunno if its the physics or just me. i loved the idiot proof drifting in pro street, although the rest of the game was a little average.
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