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Everything posted by boiracer

  1. agreed, and dont go crazy on uber expensive oils
  2. nice, and welcome, i wish i could justify the price of a gtr atm
  3. had my car for a week now, it stalled twice on the way home (350km's), only at idle in traffic, did this today fixed it good. nice idle now, but i turned it up a little to 700, rather than the factory 650. yes the hoses are on there pretty hard, dont be scared, all the pipes they push onto are metal and pretty strong, get a large screw driver behind the edge to help push and give it a twist to break the seal a little, but dont jam a screw driver under the hose.
  4. bolt a turbo engine in it and push it half as hard for the same effect otherwise, as Modena says, nice oils and keep it running neat, it wil thank you for it
  5. never heard or thought of the corosive factors, i have heard it eating plastic fuel floats etc in old carby fed cars. but it does use more fuel, take V8 super cars for example, then now run E85 and use 25-30% more fuel, thats no small amount. and theyre tuned to run it. i found even in my old '58 beetle that shell V power or BP ultimate gives better mileage, mind you its not standard, and does ping a little without when giving it hell but by no means a highly tuned machine AND ultimate burns much cleaner, pull a head off a car thats been running it compared to something thats been running regular fuel.....its well worth the extra few cents
  6. its alot better than last year, and i dont get SBS out here so i download it each week. i agree its not the best, but much better than any other aust car program. Morrison isnt the best option but alot better than charlie cox. ive got almost all the UK top gear right from season 1, if id seen it on TV back then before seeing the middle stuff first (season 5-7) on SBS i dont think id watch it, that was just lame. the emulation of the UK tg is kinda needed just to get the ball rolling, im sure they will make it their own slowly. other than that i'll happily watch it till the new UK season starts, the last one was just crazy, hope they go even more nuts this year. i love going back and watching them run the big trucks (not hiluxes, actual trucks) thru walls and demountables etc, i could watch jeremy slamming into that wall over and over again
  7. nice work man, hope to see it cruising around in the near future
  8. boiracer


    Hiyas, been here researching my car purchase for the last few months, great articles (if a little hard to find at times).. but anyways, just picked up my new car YAY. R33 series 2, 75 thou on the clock, white (unfortunate, but quality came before color in car selection) beautiful car. i live about 350km's west of brissie up the Warrego highway so picking up the car from Burliegh was a road trip in itself. liked it when i picked it up, love it now that i realised its actually quite nice up the old goat track (warrego highway), glad i got a standard one. will get lowered and some work done, but not till i move back to civilisation, except maybe a slight zorst, and a bigger intercooler. It was spotless when i picked it up, now its filthy, i have a feeling im gonna spend the rest of my life cleaning it if your ever passing thru dalby-miles area and see me ill be waving, we're few and far between out here
  9. does anyone else find it funny that you can drive anything you like to learn in?? but once your liscenced to drive you cant anymore, wouldnt it make sense to have L plate rules the same as P plates?
  10. poor P platers, id say stick with what ever crap box (or nice P plate friendly ) car you have now, till your off them, then buy a turbo one, it will save you lots in the long run doing it this way, and you wont have the humiliation of being beaten by a comondoor at the lights in your pimped out blinged up auto r33 non turbo , ive seen it so many times its sad, then al the bogans think they can outrun any skyline......ugh i hate comondoors by the time you get off your P's they will be cheaper too
  11. cool, but what is the standard offset on a r33 gts-t??? its hard to use the calculator without knowing that first. yes offset can be added with adaptors, but last i checked theyre illegal in aust (well QLD atleast)
  12. as bad as that is phrased hes not wrong. thats why you buy standard cars, not hot pink ones with white leather interiors and 20 subwoofers. anyways, im thinking an R32, i like the look alot better than the R 33 and the 34's are still to expensive for my likings.( all gts-t's, cant afford a GTR atm) i understand the different capacity of the RB20 as oposed to the RB25, but what are the main down sides to the 20? if any, is there a big power difference? and how hard is it to put an RB25 in it later? And does anyone know ig RACQ here in QLD is any good for the vehicle inspection??
  13. RWD FTW
  14. Heya guys and gals of the skyline world. Im new around here, but have a fair idea on skylines, R32's are my fav, and R32 GTR in gunmetal is pretty much my achevable dream car atm. ive lived in the world of VW's all my life, still love em, still gonna spend my time and money on em, but want a nice quiet smooth car for use in the daily world. and id rather push my dak dak than pay money for a comondoor or falcon, so skyline seems the most obvious and sexiest option. if you pay for subscription, do you get to add bigger photos??
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