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Everything posted by GTRPowa

  1. I've had more than a fair share of suspensions and royal screwovers. Not worth going through them all but I renewed my P2's and had them a total of about 5 years on them, and blacks about the same amount of time now. It made me learn this: You will always get pulled over when making lots of noise and driving like a tool, and while being polite may play a minor factor in the end result, the most important factor I've come to find is whether you're on your P's or not. I've had the biggest royal screwovers on my P's for very minor offences in a NA S2 RX7. One time since then in the 32, was pulled over for what I consider a "This officer is definitely gonna come over yelling" moment, but he simply got the paperwork done, told me in his words "If you want to give if a squirt, you should take it to the track mate." and let me on my way, very polite, and no popping of bonnets, or other screw-overs (which after my years of experience on my P's) I was expecting to happen. Get off them P's, but also, don't do things that will get you done in the first place. I'm currently doing a ton of work on my 32, and one of the things I've focused solidly on is trying to keep everything legal. I personally find it rather fun, knowing the end result will be something that won't be so frowned upon, but at the same time I can still thoroughly enjoy my ride. Add that with mature driving, I shouldn't have to fibrillate myself every time a patrol car drives past, once it's back on the road. Last week my friend showed me his new 33, it's got a big logger unit covering his speedo etc, I shook my head... ..then kinda laughed at myself, cause I would have been doing that 5 years ago when I was a lot dumber.
  2. I got some pretty decent wear on the inside of my tyres, I was going to get adjustable camber kits to sort some of that out. However I've seen a lower, and upper adjustable bar for the rear end. I'll assume it's the "Upper" set for the fronts, but what do you guys normally use to adjust the rear? Upper or lower?
  3. Yeah all this talk of 7 year old Skylines made me notice lol. I check mine for the same reason, I've dropped the occasional plug myself I haven't seen them more than 0.02mm out.
  4. Excuse bump, I spoke with them today, they don't have listings for R32's. The listings for HR31's are 70 and 80 amps. The listings for the VL (although the same) are 70 amp only. He also couldn't find the RB26 in any listings. Do you possibly have a part number? Or know the way to find this 120 amp alternator? He basically said without the number for it it'd be a needle in a haystack.
  5. Well I have completely wasted my time. Enjoy your day, do a writeup on stealing cars and breaking the law. If you add how to get away with it, I'll read it. Until then I'll just keep fixing my property that gets damaged from cowboy thieves who learn how to steal cars off the internet, with poorly described instructions as previously pointed out above. Thanks for your time,
  6. Hence steering locks (by which I mean ignition barrels) are illegal right? Whats the diff between hot wiring a car and a turbo timer? I think you answered that yourself prior. They didn't brick and rip my car. They gained forced entry, on one car ruined the ignition lock trying to start it, the other they pulled the cabling out from under the wheel (causing decent damage there) and still failed. If only the world was so perfect like yours and they 'did' only brick and rip, I'd at least understand them a bit better. On the same token I'd also know they now have what they wanted, and won't come back unless more stuff ends up in the car. And again, this is bitching? Really? Look around. Draw a line on bitching. I call this a half decent debate, but you're focusing on the 'flame trolling' side of things and frankly mate, they are non existent from me.
  7. Depends what you call having a go. I was reading threads earlier where people are discussing how others deserve to die over their driving habits, or opinions. Read any thread where someone's been pinged for something, I think you'll know what I mean, so draw your line. I personally don't feel I'm 'having a go' - But moreso raiding counter awareness. Apologies if this boils anybody. ^ A good fact, hence both times my cars have been smashed up, and not completely stolen. I immob the turbo timer hence they don't get far. I end up with the bill. Possibly they attempted to follow poorly detailed posts on forums, at best.
  8. Very Nice Nigel, Thank you, I think you've answered everything, and plenty more, for everyone else. Those types of answers needs to go in a sticky. Seen the same question asked by others before but this is a definitive answer!
  9. Well you have. Screw with the windows first, you mentioned they are an easy way to unlock the car. Then hotwire the turbo timer, right? Cool, now I'm started. But damn, I can't get through the steering lock without trying to force it. "Snap" - Ah well, I'll find another Skyline and do a better job next time. Hence I have 2 smashed cars from people who fail at trying. They thought they knew, but they did not. And yes, none of this would matter cause we're hidden away in the Wastelands, pity GBot doesn't know the difference. I could also go over the theory of how more THIEVES will search for 'how to hot wire a turbo timer' - than people who aren't aware of the problem even existing. It's like me looking up how to protect your HV Transformers from electrical harmonics, when I didn't even know what a harmonic was. Another noob quote: "This is the google search on hotwiring:" ^ Slightly different string to what we are referring to, but whatever floats your boat.
  10. Does anyone have any numbers in regards to this stuff yet? The OP menitoned he's of the datalogger type, but hasn't posted anything about actual temps. I have 2 theories: One results in a cooler charge. One results in a hotter charge. I wouldn't mind looking at this modification further myself, I assume the tar is hard to remove after installation, therefore I'll have to wait.
  11. I was. When people search how to hot wire a car, what comes up? Text written by other people. What I essentially mean is 'the less, the better'. Also, when I 'did' search said strings, 4 out of the top 5 results are Australian car websites. Perhaps yours will be there in the coming days, amongst them top 5. Perhaps not. Edit (with noob quoting) "There is also a tonne of ways to get into a car, skylines are actually pretty damn easy due to not having any framing around the windows" Wow, you should write an entire manual for it. Again, while I am aware of this, many aren't, and the ones who learn this won't know how to address the problem, ie: Perform a fix. Meh, I'll leave you alone now, you either understand me, or I have no chance expressing my opinion. besides, it's Friday.
  12. Thanks for the info. Anyone else hiding their turbo timers because of all the newly educated thieves out there now? I already have had 2 cars damaged by people using quite smart techniques (which I will not detail) to get in (very damaging, but no noise is made to gain forced entry). Now there is yet another reason for them to attempt forced entry. So if police, media, and interest groups read these forums. What about half 'decent' thieves? Excuse bump (if 3 days is considered that) - But this is 'alarming' (excuse pun)
  13. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but a draw/push pump is self priming? It can recover from the air in the fuel lines quicker? I still can't see how this is supposed to replace a surge tank.
  14. I'm interested to hear what the outcome with this is. Since even an ON DUTY police officer would have an extremely hard time in court without a radar/lidar reading, and other relevant information. Edit: Or your admittance of guilt.
  15. It's a 32, I didn't notice I indicated anywhere I had a 33, but nah only a 32. It just does my back in.
  16. Interesting. Yeah mine has the adjustable dampers but it just goes from stiff, to stupid stiff. When you jack the car up the wheels lift off the ground about half an inch after the car, when you pull into deep driveway drains at an angle the car will teeter on the 2 corner wheels, sometimes I have to roll back and get a run up (especially noticable in 2WD when I had my shafts out). I don't think it's an issue of being a girl, it's that stiff it's putting stress on the car. I can only assume they are 9+kg. I simply want to replace the whole set. Where can I obtain coilovers with ~4-5kg rates? I only find 6-8's, and higher.
  17. The only thing that averted 'stolen and destroyed' was the fact that on one car they couldn't get in, and the other is fitted with a stock immob and intrusion alarm. Hence exactly the reason why I wouldn't bring my 32 here. Cant even own a Commodore without having to fear the worst every morning.
  18. Well in the 6 months I've been in Queanbeyan, my last car had the lock ripped off when someone attempted to get in. VP commodore too, no need to even bother pulling locks off lol. I got a statesman few weeks ago, 2 days after having it some fool smashed the window and took the gps, which was again, 2 days old. I do not wish death upon this person, or people, however I wish the police would catch them, deal with them as harshly as the law permits, and most of them (especially if they are kids) will think twice before committing the crimes. Edit: I am moving shortly because I cant bring my 32 down here. The guy living behind me had his BA XR8 jacked, rimmed, and they stole his bonnet too. All in his driveway. And an EL they got into a few days ago, again in their driveway, smashing the tiny window, rolling down the back window, prodding the unlock button on the dash, and getting in. These people are smashing the windows by prying at the edge with something, therefore you don't hear anything during the night.
  19. My suspension is very stiff. It's fitted with Arigostas, they were on the car when I got it. There is no markings for their spring rates, but it's the type where you simply do not want to hit any potholes period. I've never been in another GTR to compare, even a stock one, so I don't know how stiff they are supposed to be, but my RX7 was alot softer, and still very good handling. I assume a few people have pretty stiff suspension, it's the kind that makes panels rattle and even your keys fling around when you hit a pothole. I see a lot of setups using 8kg front, 6kg rear. Does anyone use these? Say, the BC ones from Just Jap? - I love the Arigostas for handling, but they simply aren't suitable on a street car.
  20. I must say, I like ACT roads how you'll have 2 lanes, then the centre divider simply disappears, a few words blur past, and you're left on your own to merge. Seen some close ones on them during some traffic.
  21. lol not you Shell, I agreed entirely with you, then started my own rant about prior posts to yours. All in all, it's just my opinion, which we all have. --- Driver education will reduce a lot of fatal accidents. And when I say this, I'm not talking about the spins on young people in the media, but everybody. There are a lot of people I've spoken to over time about accidents that have happened, and sometimes they indicate something along the lines of "Wow, I better keep an eye out for them things." - I've learnt from this specific accident that I will do what my father used to do when i was in his car. He'd have a quick peek down the empty streets that he would cross at lights, for this very reason. I thought it was a tad overkill, but perhaps not..
  22. My point exactly on the first part of this. Since everyone nowadays has an opinion, the only way to have it heard is to use sensationalist shock value in said opinion. It's excessive and shows signs that a lot of people out there would rather simply blame than work to mitigate the issues. On the way to come here (Queanbeyan from Central Coast) to live for work, someone in the middle lane on the Hume merged right into my lane, while I was right next to them. They forced me into the cruddy shoulder, the right wheels on the grass, at 110. This aggravated me so I sped past her, and past a cop, yay. Difference was, I was aware I was speeding, I was aware I was making a mistake and breaking the law. She was not. She happily putted her way home, unknowingly of what could have been, and will probably knock a few more off the road before someone gets hurt. After getting my fines and explaining my frustration to the cop in hopes of leniency, I still didn't think the lady driver should die. But I did feel she should be the one receiving fines, or both of us for that matter. Since she's no more the wary. We all make mistakes in life, there I just mentioned another one, but if it gave one person insight, or awareness of anything at all from what I type, then I did my bit. Beats writing up a 'deserve to die' or lolpic post.
  23. If coming on here and reading threads where people are trying their darned best to make their car comply with the law, engineering certificates etc, makes us all hoons, then I guess you're right. Because from some of the opinions passed in this thread alone show the lack of morality the forum members have. Not having a knock, but read it yourself. 'He who is without sin' to be honest. My original reasoning is that we don't have to wish/hope people would die, since that alone gives off bad impressions, and as you indicated, that matters to you. Edit: I'd be hard pressed finding it now, but I remember someone on a forum bringing up alot of ABS statistics they got. And from the data they mined, there were more fatal accidents 30 years ago on the road, given the ratio of cars on the road back then, and even the ratio of young people driving them. He pointed out the government keeps saying how high the road toll is and that it's rising, yet 30 years ago it was over double now. As I said, I have 0 evidence, but from what I was reading, this guy had it all down pat.
  24. I like your non-opinionated approach Shell. ------ Keep in mind people that nobody deserved to die in that Monaro Hwy accident. Ok, perhaps one, but even then that's wishing too far. I don't know any of the 4, I'm only living here to work, but I like to have the old 'toke' after work, and I sit in my house quietly, doing my own thing, not hurting anybody. Sometimes I've had friends buy some off me, but rarely. But that makes me realise how close to these victims I am, in the sense of where you've caught some wind on these people breaking a totally unrelated law and, therefore, how much you'd feel the need for them (or me) to die. Even though I wouldn't hurt a fly. Please be nice.
  25. Thanks for the reply Stimps. Yeah mine has always had a lower voltage that it should when running (before it started dying). My turbo timer has the voltage and warning buzzers while driving etc so the alternator light doesn't bother me. Well assuming you're correct with the fitment of an RB30 alternator to an RB26, my 2 choices would be a new Bosch one for an RB30, or the 120amp alternative you specified. Both are around equally priced, however I cant remember the output of the Bosch unit. I think they have some above OEM spec versions too. I'll look into that, thanks. Edit: Have you used these aftermarket 120 amp alternators?
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