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Everything posted by Peter89

  1. sway bars. whiteline are awesome.
  2. cons -heavy -front suspension lacks lock
  3. impounds don't reset. they stay on your record for 3 years (at the moment but might increase). if you get your 3rd impounded, you will be going to court and you will likely lose your license for at least a year but probably more. so, it really wouldn't matter if the shit car is crushed because you wouldn't be able to drive for ages. dont forget, the first 2 offenses would have seen a long loss of license as well. the only way to reduce your strikes is to wait the 3 years.
  4. police have no honor. dont forget they dont just drive holdens. they have a wide range of vehicles, so be ever vigilant.
  5. cnt of a move. i have seen people get majors for quite a few things, including height to fix but no fine.
  6. lawyer time. only way. unfair but life.
  7. im guessing its for drags. go 2jz. stroke it.
  8. -look at the rim and tyres for damage -put the steering wheel straight, compare both wheels, they should both point straight. i suspect the rack end is bent. it ll need replacing (max $150) -check all other suspension parts, jack the car up and compare either side. if you don't know what to look for, ask a friend who does. -replace any other bent parts. -check over front subframe, unlikely to be damaged, be to be sure. -wheel alignment.
  9. i'd probably get some small old car and put a 13b in it. would require a huge amount of work and would sound a little less sleeper like but it would be quick enough.
  10. grow up for fk sake. its a democracy not a dictatorship in Australia. the whole point of petitions is to CHANGE the laws. just because there's a system now doesn't mean it cant be improved. i'm unlikely to move anywhere, instead ill use my freedom to encourage people to change their views and ask for a better system. -more well trained police. -visible cameras though i do understand the petition is asking for something different, i think anything is better then the current system.
  11. from what i hear, it costs about $400 for certain places to overlook things. not that i know such places.
  12. if i saw it was a known undercover vehicle, i would probably change lanes (almost always in the far right, so thus change left) and depending on the amount of room slow down. it was really annoying me, i would slow down enough and switch back behind. if i saw it was just a random car, i'd probably floor it and switch lanes. vast majority of cars and drivers cant keep up and imports don't do shit like that. at least from my experiences.
  13. Peter89

    Car Licence

    just remember p's last 4 years, which is a while before you can legally drive manual. however, if you have auto restricted p's its only a $100 fine for driving a manual car and its not hard to learn. i passed my p's on manual with 4weeks of practice though i had been driving for 2.5years before that. i suggest peak hour, by yourself. lols. stress makes anyone learn faster.
  14. it's naive to expect people not to speed or run red lights thus the system would be reducing the amount of people doing this instead of just fining people. i would rather people slowed down for a CLEARLY visible camera then get a fine. what's more important to you, revenue or safety? because the current system has clearly failed, revenue is steadily increasing, if the current system was working then revenue would be decreasing.
  15. wrong. depends on the state. it is legal in victoria as long as you follow of the restrictions of how close the cage comes into the passenger zones. edit, such cages would have to go through the dash, cages going around the dash(not only do they suck) but they wouldn't pass.
  16. i signed it. if such cameras were about safety they would have signs and be pained bright colours yet they aren't they are pained grey to be hidden to catch people. so instead of reducing the amount of speeding, it's just raising revenue from it. (i live in victoria, im not sure how other states operate such devices) i'm not sure about you guys but i would rather someone didn't run a red light because they saw a camera instead of running the red light, crashing into me and getting a fine.
  17. fines fines fines, we need more fines.
  18. media template: [modification] is being blamed for increase crash risk follow by an article with no statistics or facts of any kind to proved such claims.
  19. Peter89

    Tyre Stretch

    there's pics around of 195s on 10s. found one.
  20. yep. you'd be leaning out and even more so with the aftermarket turbo. would require fuel pump and retune. there's only so much equipment is designed for, fuel maps aren't designed for large turbos @ 1bar thus lack of fuel = lean.
  21. it was alright. 1/8 of a mile is crap though. way too short.
  22. i got my auto license with barely 30hrs practice. could i actually control a car? no. the current licensing system is a joke, such people who cant drive at 100kph let alone 140kph, shouldn't have a license but that's a different argument. you are implying that just because the limit is increased to 140kph will be automatically be forced to do it. if there was no limits on the fwys, would you just max out your top speed in all conditions? people are supposed to judge the road and traffic conditions and drive at a speed accordingly. if they think driving at 140kph is too fast, they have the right to sit in the LEFT lane at 100kph. if the traffic was light, good dry road i would do 140kph in the middle lanes however if it was raining with heavy traffic, i'd probably drop back down to 110kph. every car is different, so every car should be driven differently, there's no right or wrong way that works for every car but yeh, people should know how to judge road and traffic conditions even with our current licensing system.
  23. 1: if you cant drive at 140kph, you shouldn't have a license. it's basic car control. 2: it was talking about fwys during off peak times. the eastern + east link fwys are awesome. i would feel safe at 200kph. other fwys are safe enough for 140kph in a car with road worthy suspension, brakes and tyres. 3: maybe 30 year old vans but even newish commodores can drive over 200kph without trouble. euro cars even since the 90s would be safe at speeds up to 200kph. the same point again, if your car isn't safe enough to drive at 140kph, then it shouldn't be on the road. 4: i don't care about fuel usage, didn't buy a turbo sports car to worry about petrol costs. if you don't want to "waste" the fuel, then sit in the left lane. this line of thought can be applied to 110kph zone, "it's too fast, it's wasting fuel". such statements are slippy slopes, every car is different and every car has a different maximum efficiency range though it would be between 75-120kph. it's not like 140kph zone force you to sit at 140kph all the time, the left lane is designed to be the slow lane but i highly doubt people would care about the extra fuel costs.
  24. disagree about the monash, road surface varies. its a long fwy. apart from those, a lot of other main roads aren't great plus you also have to look at the design of intersections and cross roads.
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