your kidding right? that's ridiculously dangerous. not only is the speed limit in some parts of Australia 130kph, but victoria 110k zones aren't uncommon, add to that, the inability to overtake.
your telling me you have NEVER done more then the limit to over take someone? you high?
im not going to sit on the wrong side of the road for any longer then required thus gun it past the car going slow and continue on. im not going to sit next to the car at 100kph.
also, if anyone install that bullshit, i'd be getting it removed ASAP. wouldn't be hard. speed limiters failed in japan, they will fail here.
how about they get rid of the double standards. If the slightest "lose of traction" or "tyre noise" gets you impounded why doesn't drink driving? we get 3 strikes, why dont they?
1st offense: 1month impound
2nd offense: 3months impound.
3rd offense: impounded for life and sold.
similar to the anti "hoon" laws.
there's one thing i never understand with drink driving and passengers. it's the passengers responsibility to check whether their driver is safe to be in the car, when going to parties and the whole driving thing starts, even by then you know that drink driving isn't worth the risk so why do passengers ignore problem.
if one of my friends was driving me home, if even drunk and i knew he had been drinking too much not only would i not get in the car, i would do as much as i could to stop him from driving. then again, this doesn't happen. it is implied the driver doesn't drink and we work out driving arrangments before we are even at parties/pubs or clubs.
so always blaming the driver for the death of the passengers is a little too much, considering passengers aren't forced into the car and should know better, even at 15.