stagea doesn't count. nobody knows what they are.
you barely drove your 32.
you owned the 1600 a while ago. times have changed.
i did managed to get out of a speeding fine once. not that i know how.
this was when i was driving the VN Wagon before i had a s14. this is a guess of the conv, happened back in jan.
cop "you in a hurry sir?"
me "not really"
cop "we clocked you doing 75ks through that round-about back there"
me "oh really?" *happy that my speedo was slightly overstating*
cop "please license, we ll just take a look around the car"
*discussion about the p plates (rear one always falls down and my rear tyres)
cop "ill come back with a speeding fine, no p plate fine and a defect notice"
cop "here's a fine for the lack of p plates, make sure you have them visible at all times"
me "what about the defect"
cop "get the tyres changed asap"
me "yes sir"
cop "you can go"
ironically those 3 points from the no p plate fine came back to haunt me and i ended up losing my license anyways.