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Everything posted by stormtrooper

  1. Cheers for all the stuff mate, appreciate it ;) No doubt I will probably hit you up for some more parts when I figure out what else I need...


  2. MY TRIUMPHANT RETURN TO SAUWA! Yes I have done away with the JZX90 (not of my own will however ) and bought an R33 GTS (converted from auto NA to manual turbo) Did 5 stud conversion and brake conversion as well etc etc. Will probably post a thread about it and all the rubbish I have been through with it so far. However, to remain on topic. Rather nice white R34 GT-T yesterday in Perth traino parking on what looked like Weds SA70's
  3. Shit sorry mate, just read the thread properly, interior, being plastics/consoles/dash etc for $250? Consider it sold

  4. Hey mate, looking for interior dash plastics and door trims + centre console. Cost?

    Also, didn't notice front bar on there, good condition?

    Genuinely interested in stuff. Cheers mate.

    Can contact me if need be ok 0422 613 194

    cheers mate

  5. What I was getting at is they don't have an approved method for determining speed based on the footage. If they had a reference point then yeah it'd be a different story.
  6. What I'd like to know is, if it's because of the radar signal bouncing around and shit, why aren't they planning on using the SAME gear that the Sydney tunnel owners have been using, and works. Beurocratic crap if you ask me. Everything has to go through a process, then testing, then legislation, wasting more tax payers money etc etc whereas they can't just use the same thing that others are using to do the job.
  7. Nothing quietly about it at all mate, I've had a mate in his S15 w/ antilag sneak up beside me in the tunnel when I had the windows down, start smashing AL, omfg, I couldn't A: get the windows up fast enoug B: stop laughing and C: stop my ears from ringing Also bee*r in tunnel is sweet aswel
  8. They can't do you for speeding in the tunnel based on the camera footage because they don't have a proven scientific approach to proving it. Multinova's and hand helds are a different story because they are approved, but there is no approved method from merely guaging someone's speed based on a video recording. They can "speculate" but then they'd have to prove it, and how are they going to do that? If a copper see's you speeding and pulls you over without evidence, that's a different story because it's your word against theirs. In this case, your mate shouldn't worry about the tunnel speed. Seriously, if it were an issue, there'd be a public outcry already don't you think? Any suggestion of copping a fine from speeding through the tunnel without being pulled over by the po-po, hit by a multinova in or out of the tunnel or such, is just hyperbole and I wouldn't worry. Not that I am advocating speeding through the tunnel, but after all, isn't it WA's safest stretch of road?
  9. I've seen burnt ham and cheese sandwiches that look more appealing than her. Snobby stuck up dutch woman
  10. Yeah they can do fluro colours, but you lose like 98234653458973489578934758834758978973489573489 street cred, may aswel install neons and hugs subs and go hang out with triple-d
  11. Did some calling around myself a few weeks ago regarding this, this was probably the best I came up with: Diamond Powder Coaters 2/51 Division St, Welshpool WA 6106‎ - (08) 9258 4355‎ Guy I spoke to was called Martin Said that for $50 a rim they do: sandblast rim, primer and topcoat/powdercoat Going to be getting my existing Advan AVS's done if the car doesn't sell in the next 2 weeks
  12. He posted something? Holy shit! I can see a post, but I can't see any text? Am I missing something????? Also, Ecentrix is spot on w/ white R33 signature I've been noticing more and more 350/370Z's with dents in them these days however, front end quater damage and the like. Take the bitch who works in the office next to where I am located. You might have seen her black 350Z around with plates [MEH]. She drives like a complete slag, accelerating hard for no reason, cutting people off and forcing her way into merge points, tailgating etc (all of this I observed in a 10 min trip following about 40m behind, I didn't want to get anywhere NEAR her). Her car gets hail damaged (after a scrape) she sells/trades it in for a brand new yellow 370Z (same plates of course) and 5 days later, she has rear-ended someone. Just an observation. /csb
  13. Oh all right, I'll join the masses in a game of blind leading the blind
  14. You guys do know that speedtest.net is only supposed to be used as a comparison tool to measure how your line speed was from 1 day to another? It's not used as an industry standard of line testing because it all comes down to location of the server you are doing the test from. You might set it as adelaide and be in perth, however get a faster download speed than if you had of chosen the perth server, because the content server might not be located where you are doing the test from. Not only that but you don't know how many hops it is to the download server from where you are aswel. Only way to really test it is to find a local server, say for instance if you are with iinet, go to ftp.iinet.net.au and download the adsl2.test file and see what your average download speed is from there.
  15. While you were trying to be a smart ass you forgot how to use "THEIR" in the correct context. Oh, and dectors? +1 for Skyryan's comment, they've been trying to ban these things in WA for about that long yeah. Always appears to be a thinly veiled threat however.
  16. Sounds like flash is offering to replace mine for a carton.....
  17. Damn you Bubba! Sif hold out on me.... Yeah will need to replace it methinks. Replacing it is a pain in the ass from what I have read hehe. Need to be some kinda contortionist >.< fun times...
  18. I see you continuously checking out my thread Snozzle.... help me out here man !!! hehe
  19. Hey guys, I noticed yesterday me speedo had stopped working. Everything else is fine fuel/torque split/oil/revs etc, however no speed. I took the dash apart and checked to make sure the pin was in place and that the speedo cluster itself was OK and all looks good. Put it back together and drove up the driveway, still no speed. Took it out again and then noticed that the white pin was all of a sudden missing. Hunted around inside the dash and found it, pics below: Not enough pics imo but you get the idea... What I want to know is, do I have to replace the entire speedo cable or can I just replace the pin itself? At the base of it, as illustrated, has 2 nice splits up the side of it. Alternatively, if it's not dodgy, would superglue work? hehe -Chris
  20. something was definitely "blown"................
  21. Yeah, the comparison between the MINES GTR and the V8 was always going to fail, it has to be fully funded race prepped 34R vs fully race prepped V8 Supercar to be a proper comparison. However doesn't look like we'd be able to see them on a track together anytime soon Such a shame...
  22. .... and yet you missed the part where I said that the race prepped R32 GTR that skaife himself drove around bathurst, and drove again recently around bathurst, was only 3 seconds slower than the quallifying speeds of the V8 supercars of today. The car is 20 years old and STILL pretty much a match for the V8 supercars. Put that money into an 34R and I have no doubts that it would be closer.
  23. ................ and post videos of said burnouts........ or fail
  24. Sounds like a combination of running rich and a vacuum leak as snozzle said (I'd be trusting his opinion on this, he's a champ ) I'm wondering, when your car "dies/turns itself off" does it hunt for a bit before it does? By that, I mean do the revs at idle just start going out of whack and then stall? If so then I'd definitely say vacuum leak somewhere. If this is the case, you can use something like carby cleaner and spray it around the intake manifold and pipes beforehand, you'll hear if it is
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