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Everything posted by Jay95R33

  1. They are rated at 100,000 KM, but I think it's based on a N/A car. Throw in a turbo and wind the boost up and their life span reduces
  2. Got an amp that I took out of my last car that I won't be using. It's a MTX RT4240. Great quailty four channel amp that has heaps of grunt. This amp has high/low inputs, built in high/low cross overs, bass boost for when you run two channels bridged into a sub, gain controls on both front and rear, two/four channel selector, as well as a pass though so you can run another amp from this one etc.. Rated at a 'MTX' power of 4 x 45rms at 12.5 volts, but if you know what MTX is like it's more like 4 x 75rms. I had it powering a pair of 6.5 inch mid bass and a pair of tweeters in a fully active setup. And it was amazing. Can also be set up to run two rears/fronts and a sub etc.. There's no scratches on it so it can be set up in a nice display. Spec are here: http://www.mtx.com/caraudio/archive/rt4240.cfm Asking $320 ONO and buyer pays for postage. Cheers Jayson
  3. Wheels look really good Andrew. Good pick. Mags make a car look so much different. SkyGTRline - yep, top left is the go
  4. Wow, nice fit. Looks good.
  5. No problem. I'll need an email address though. Drop me a PM with it if you like. J
  6. Ahh, cool. No problems. I think I've got a diagram of the pinouts somewhere if that helps any ? J
  7. LOL, true I don't even bother in the Stagea, it's more of a luxo car than a drag car. Oh, the cops here in Canberra had one or two of those 'hotted up' volvo's. I remember the news report when they started using them. They were bragging on how they could do 0-100km/h in 7 seconds !!!! Baaaahahahahahaha... Anyway, in the first week one of them got written off cause the copper was chasing a WRX, understeered around a corner and smacked it into a brick wall.. We didn't hear much of them after that J
  8. Almost everytime another wagon pulls up beside me at the lights they try to drag me off. Doesn't matter if it's a young or old bloke, young or old woman. 95% of the time they will take off super fast. I don't have problems with other cars, just mainly wagons.. Do you Stagea guys get the same thing ? It's funny really, Stagea envy ? J
  9. Looks good Prank. I put a set of GTT rims on mine when I got it (I had them sitting in the shed to go on the R33 before it went to heaven ). I think if we had both our cars side by side we'd have problems telling who's is who's !!
  10. If it's the same plug then wack her in and see if it works That's what I did anyway ! J
  11. that's no worries. Friday afternoon, if your like me, brain is in weekend mode already
  12. Yepp, it works. That's what I'm doing in the Stagea at the moment. Carrozerria head deck with a Pioneer CD Stacker plugged into it via the ipbus. Works perfectly. J
  13. Yepp, I've been thinking about this. For dyno work I'll probably get them to pull the front drive shaft, but if I need 2wd (for some stupid reason) and going to be driving it ie. front wheels turning, I'll use the unplug and 5 brake presses way. Best to be safe than sorry. The last thing you want is a $2000 bill to rebuild the clutch packs in the centre diff. J
  14. The method I used is outlined in this thread; Have a read through all of it. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=52486
  15. My god it's hot here. Hovering around the 39 degrees mark !!! Anyway, just got back from the tyre place (big thanks to tyrepower Tuggers. They let me use their hoist for 20min and didn't take the 10 bucks when I offered it to them). OK, this is what I did and what happend. Got her up on the hoist, pulled the plug uder the dash, started her up and pumped the brakes five times. 4wd light on dash started flashing which is good. Popped her into DRIVE and took the handbrake and foot brake off. Only the rears were spinning which is good. Rev'd her up to about 40km/h and the front tyres where JUST turning. I'm talking about 1 rotation every 2 seconds !! I slowed it back down to zero km/h and got the fella there to put his hand on the tyre to see how much pressure was needed to stop it from rotating. Rev'd it back upto 40km/h and it took just about no effort to stop the right front wheel from turning. He certainly wasn't trying hard anyway. So I thought I'd turn it off and plug the plug back in. Done that, turned her back on, back into DRIVE, handbrake and foot brake off. Just idling the fronts were spinning as fast as the rears (no load etc..) and reving it to 40km/h saw them both spin up just as fast. I didn't get the bloke to hold the front wheel while it was in 4wd mode Soooo, from that I would say that it works. Remember that the factory Nissan R33 GTR workshop manual actually states that this is how to put it into 2wd mode. But I'm also not sure how it would go reving to 150km/h on a dyno !! It's your call I say. If your unsure then get them to pop the front drive shaft out and at least you'll have piece of mind. But next time it rains I'm gunna go for a spin in 2wd mode J
  16. What a day of spotting ! Usually I'm luck if I see one every few days but... Spotted Leech going to work. We pretty much followed each other all the way from Tuggers to Civic ! Then spotted him again at about 5.45 on Erindale drive, but I don't think he saw the Volvo.. Errmm, I mean Stagea going past Spotted White R33 going down Parkway in the morning too. Then just spotted a nice gold GTiR in the tyre place at tuggers from the Syndicate club. J
  17. For the difference in price I'd take a trip to QLD, spend a week or two there kicking back and relaxing, check few car yards out. Just try and narrow it down to a few cars before you go - the internet is great for that If you find one you like get it shipped back or drive it back yourself. J
  18. The GRID system would work perfectly, but would cost a heap more. Would be good if your taking it to the track though Terminal - I 'think' the max split is 50/50, so the front diff would just spin but all the power would be going to the rear wheels cause the fronts would have no load at all.... I think that's how it works anyway Late today I'll try the 'pull the plug, pump the brakes 5 times' to get it into 2wd mode and see if it actually works. J
  19. Nope, you can't just pull the fuse There is a mechanical conection that needs to be disabled. I've posted up a way of disabling the fwd in the Stagea's in a different thread, and I'll be testing it today when the car is up on a hoist (if the tyre shop has a spare hoist for 15 mins ). If this doesn't work, the only other way would be to remove the front drive shaft. J
  20. Those side angles would've been a pain in the butt to get right !!
  21. G'day Jimx, A mate bought a pioneer unit from OS and he got it with no problems (apart from the customs duty etc..). Remember that Australia has a trade agreement with the US now, so anything coming in from the US hasn't got any import taxes. But you still need to pay GST. A good buy I say J
  22. So is that where you got your nick name from ? From the old DJ years But seriously, it'll be interesting to see how these go. JE has put together a heap of good kits for Jaycar, so they should work well. J
  23. Jay95R33


    Man, that's almost as bad as a big ass spider making himself at home in your car.. But yep, get some of that ant rid stuff and put it right near the nest, or where heaps of them are. Basically they eat this stuff and take it back to the nest to feed the queen. Then a few days later they are all dead There's also a powder stuff that basically kills them as soon as they walk over it, but I don't think it would be very effective on a car. J
  24. Yepp, it's pretty straight forward. It's just the top two vents are a bit of a bugga to get out. You can take the hazard light switch out (just pops out easy) and push from the back of the vents. I found out the other day I've got no speakers in the back doors One day I'll get new 2 or 3 ways all round. Term - damn that's a big amp !! The little MTX 280 I've got is a 2 channel jobbie for just the small sub I've got. It'll fit nicely in the middle of the spare wheel, so i can leave the spare in there and the amp will fit in the middle of it
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