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Everything posted by Jay95R33

  1. G'day Muz, Welcome to Hicksville Hay a mate got his PFC Pro tuned by a bloke out in Queanbeyan and was really happy with the tune. He does a road tune with all the gear etc. If your interested I can get a name and number for you? Cheers J
  2. Good to see there's some good people around willing to help out.
  3. LOL - this brings back memories of the Simpsons episode where Homer's goal in life is to be 300lb so he can work from home... At the end of the episode, Homer steals a ice cream van and drives it to the power plant to save the reactor. Anyway, after he drives through the fence, all the staff jump on the ice cream van and try to order ice creams.. LOL Anyway, you have to be there, J P.S. Isn't it funny how there's a Simpson's episode for every 'moment' in life
  4. Hmm, just a long shot, but maybe your bleed valve has a bit of gunk in it.. Like a bit of oil blow-by etc... If it's easy to take out and run some cleaner through it it'd be worth while. J
  5. Should be a beast when she's finished.
  6. Jack her up and get under there with a spanner I had to basically lay down the middle of the car. That's what I did. Just do it when your changing your oil, so not much oil will spill out. J
  7. Ahhh, cool - I might do that soon then. Thanks J
  8. Sounds good, but with the super charger your gunna have the same insurance problems as you would with a GTS-t... If your really keen to keep the GTS, then I would get the exhaust first, then mags and good tyres, and get the suspension looked at (good shocks/springs and a good alignment). Then if you really want to keep going, get the super charger and FMIC. Buuuuttttt, and your gunna hear this a lot, the bang for buck won't be as much compared to modding up a GTS-t.... J
  9. Yepp, inlet side, just a few inches behind the oil filter (further towards the firewall). It's an electrical sender unit that has a weird tappered thread on it. I bought an adaptor to tee in a pickup for my new gauge but it won't fit due the the tappered thread in the block. Looks like I'll have to get one made up by a machine ing shop Next oil change I'll take the sender out again and take it in and get one made up. J
  10. How did you go with the tune? Keen to see the dyno results of the 2535. J
  11. Yepp, can be done. BTW: You need to get the starter motor off before you can take the gearbox off The top bolt on the starter is a right pain in the butt. Just take your time and you'll get it. Just make sure you have a few different sized extension bars and a uni joint or two J
  12. Naa, not sure who owns the series 2.. There's sooo many skyline owners in Canberra that don't know about SAU J
  13. I wouldn't say it was too rich. It's on the safer side (11.5:1), but I wouldn't say it's too rich. The power gains made by pulling 0.5 out of it to bring it too 12:1 wouldn't be worth it. If you think your lacking power, then maybe have a close look at the ignition map. J
  14. BHDave - that's my understanding too.
  15. G'day Weetbix, That would've been a mate James. I don't think he parks there anymore... J
  16. Ummm, I think you should use a wastegate if your going to have a turbo on a motor...
  17. Same here, ditched the HKS pod and when to stock airbox = dodgy idle. ECU reset = nice idle J
  18. Smoother, get's rid of flat spots SOMETIMES, gets ECU to re-learn after new mods. Won't do any damage. Disconnect battery, press and hold brake peddal down for 30 seconds. J
  19. That is simply amazing !! You've just convinced me to vist Japan one day. J
  20. There's been a burguandy R33 parking down at my work recently. Has GTR kit, FMIC, mags, looks nice. Anyone here? It's a private car park down Hyper D if that helps any...
  21. Denham - will a single GTR BOV mount on the factory spot on a GTS-t ?? J
  22. Check all the pipes, maybe you've popped a pipe off somewhere... J
  23. Yepp, spot on. Get a front/dump pipe on her and wind the boost up to 10-12psi. Wack the S-AFC on and get it tuned. You'll be happy with the results J
  24. Hehehe, good stuff
  25. I don't think they have Joel, well the TurboSmart one that a mate has got hasn't. I've always wondered if a aftermarket plumb back would give the same feeling as this BOV mod does.... J
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