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Everything posted by Jay95R33

  1. Dude, report it to the police !! Just imagine if they have a car simular to yours, same make, same colour, and decide to put the plates on and have some fun through some red light cameras or speed camera's !! Or do something worse !! J
  2. Holly crap !! that picture of the dash off looks scary !! Well done on the DIY write up One thing, did you do this up at the park? Looks like it J
  3. Yep, I no likey either
  4. Cool, thanks for the reply. I might pop into a metal workshop and see if they can re-thread the adaptor that I've got. Thanks J
  5. Me too LOL.. I'm upto about 150-200 buckaroonies now.... J D'oh - just read Pranks last message. Now I feel like a pushy ba$tard I'll go back to my corner now....
  6. Howdy, Does anyone know what thread type is on the oil pressure sender on a R33 GTS-t ?? I thought it was a 10mm x 1.5m or 1mm thread type so I went out and bought an adaptor from VDO but it's a touch too big. It's really strange cause the factory oil pressure sender will screw into the back end of the adaptor, but the adaptor won't screw into the hole in the block where the factory sender sits ! Even though the threads in the male and female side of the adaptor are excatly the same !! Is it possible that the factory thread are those weird threads that are tappered ?? I'm fitting a mechanical oil pressure gauge by the way J
  7. Tammets is about midway up Lonsdale street, it's right on the corner of the middle roundabout - sorta looks like a old servo I won't be able to make it tonight, but I should be out there tomorrow night in a mates old imported ford convertable. It's white with red interior. If you see us going past yell out If we park I'll pop up and say g'day. It'd be good to meet up with a few Sydney SAU people. J
  8. So, if I'm thinking correctly, with this simple BOV mod the turbo is operating slightly more effiecently hence the slight increase in boost pressure as it doesn't have to pressurise the 'leak' in the BOV. ?? J
  9. Ahh cool, thanks for that Steve. Now, SydneyKid was talking of a 'boost correction table'. Where is that in the menu as I couldn't find it. I've got a funny feeling that this is the cause of the problem, eg boost correction table set to retard/cut ingintion timing at anything over stock. Anybody know where the boost correction table is in the menu, and also what it's called?? Thanks heaps J
  10. SydneyKid - Is the boost correction table the table with four options on it with (for example) boost pressure in kg, a value that can be varied between 20 and 90, and a value at the far right of the screen that is set to 255 ? There's four lines of this info if that makes sence? I was trying to figure out what the variable value (20-90) represented. Our guess was RPM. eg. 20 stood for 2000rpm... We put all these four lines upto the maximum boost value of 2.0kg (about 2 bar), but had the same effect (nil) J
  11. Yepp - the old screw in the little hole job.
  12. G'day guys, GunmetalR33 was over my place today and we tried a few things with no luck Tried a few things like plugging the stock solinoid in and told the PFC that it had a boost controller - we knew that the PFC/stock solenoid wouldn't let us adjust boost, or even control boost in anyway, but it was worth a try to get rid of the (feels like) boost cut. I think we tried almost ever combination of things with the stock solenoid. Fiddled with a few settings with regard to the 4 options on the boost - no luck. I thought there may be a boost/ignition cut table that may be set to stock boost levels on the base (untuned) map, but I couldn't find a thing (I've seen such tables in the E6K etc). Also tried changing the options in the AFM menu to 'Super Airflow' and the others with no luck. SydneyKid - I did a few trace map runs and the injector side of things looks fine with no major change when the stutter starts, although watching the ignition trace there is a definite reduction in timing advance when the stuttering starts. It sharply moves from around ~28 degrees advance to ~15 degrees advance. Also did a trace map run against the AFM voltage and things didn't get over 4.8 volts, although saying that, the stuttering is prelevant at even 4 volts ! We found that the stuttering started consistantly at ~3000rpm regardless of what changes we did via the handcontroller. I do recall that GunMetalR33 had some ignition problems a long time before the PFC was installed, although the problems were fixed and he was running 13psi with no problems on the stock ECU before the PFC went in. It was just a matter of reducing the plug gap from 0.8mm to 0.74mm. As he is still running the base map, maybe one of the last things we can try is putting his PFC into my car (I'm running 12psi) and see if the boost cut is still there. If it is, then it's in the tuning of the PFC, if not, well it must be something in GunMetalR33's car One question, if say the coil packs are delivering a weak spark, or if the plug gap is wrong, how would the timing be affected, or would it be affected at all? Do you think it's possible that even though he is still using the base PFC map, that it's timing is a little more aggressive than the stock ECU and this is bringing back the weakish spark problem that he encounted before? (I'm stabbing in the dark here !!) Is there anything else you think we could try? This is frustrating me as much as it is GunMetalR33 !! J
  13. That's great news freebaggin - thanks for going to the effort of doing a comparison. J
  14. That's great news freebaggin - thanks for going to the effort of doing a comparison. Nice result too J
  15. I'm not sure if it's that, but in previous years the RTA and police have made it very clear that if your car isn't legal and you not going to play by the rules (eg. do burnouts in Braddon) that they will come down hard on you. The pollies realise that summernats brings a HEAP of money to Canberra. Almost every hotel/motel/pub will be booked out over the summernats period. But I can see that the government will be making a heap of money out of it in fines and defects too !! J
  16. Yepp, be careful people. In the last few days I've seen a noticable increase in the amount of police cars around the place. Play safe and don't do anything illegal while your here, otherwise they will pounce on you quicker than ever. ACT police are pretty good though, just be polite and you shouldn't have any problems. J
  17. Benm - thanks heaps for putting the details up. Good effort. We need more of these DIY on SAU. About the wear guide. My old Stanza had them, they started squeeling one day so I ripped the metal tab off. Then about 3 months later I put my foot on the brake and heard a massive clunck and a REALLY LOUD squeel.. The brake pad material came off of the metal plate, so it was running metal on metal !! I drove 20km to the brake place using just the handbrake to stop !! LOL J
  18. I think Canberra moved to the south coast for the day on Saturday
  19. That is exactly what a EBC does !! It will bleed pressure out of the wastegate hose to increase boost, as well as (some do) stop any pressure going to the wastgate to eliminate wastegate creep. Basically a EBC and a bleed both 'trick' the turbo/wastegate into generating more boost. It's just that an EBC is usually more stable. J
  20. I've got greenstuff's on the front of mine. Go them at around 45,000km, and the clock has just ticked over to 85,000km. I'd say that they would have about 30-35% left on them. I love the initial bite on the greenstuffs. No need drag the brakes to warm them up. They just bite and then get better. I have never noticed any brake fade on them, even after going down the Clyde mountain at warp 5 Down the bottom they were just as good as they were up the top. The big killer is price, got mine for about $220. My advise would to look around. I'm sure there would be better value for money brake pads out there, so it depends on what sort of money your willing to spend and what your driving style is. J
  21. A coke bottle lid fits perfectly apparently
  22. Jerra is Queanbeyan isn't it ?? Hehehe I'm sure something will be happaning soon with the summer nats coming soon I'm leaving the 33 at home this year, but I'll be out there with a mate with his imported old ford convertable. I have no idea what model it is, all I know it it's white and wasn't realsed in Australia... LOL
  23. LOL - yepp. I saw the NSW plates and didn't think it'd be a Canberra/Queanbeyan car. You'll have to come along to the next cruise we have.
  24. I also saw this car - but it was down at Malua Bay on Saturday !!
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