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Everything posted by Jay95R33

  1. Damn good idea, shame I'm too far away otherwise I'd be in it for sure. Just as a thought, I'm note sure how serious SAU wants to get with things like this (fund raising etc.) But if you've got plenty of cars entering sometimes the local TV stations have a small segmant (30sec - 1 min) where they advertise non profit org's and fund raising events. Doesn't cost anything, you just need to give at least 2 weeks notice (and maybe a bit of sweet talking ). I think the Sydney people have Tim the weather man that does it, and us Canberra people have the Community File on Ten. Like I said, just a thought cause I personaly think supporting organisations like the Cancer Foundation is an great idea. Cheers Jayson
  2. Hay when you get yours back tomorrow you'll be able to tell me if mine are stock or not hehehehe
  3. LOL - I've turned into a night owl while I'm on holidays Back to work in a few days though, then it's gunna kill me big time !! J
  4. Good stuff dude. Well done. J
  5. Gezz, what a difference !! Damn impressive difference between the two. I can imagine that it's a much better car to drive now. J
  6. I haven't had any luck yet with trying to confirm that they are factory pads I've done a search around to see if I can find some pics on the net of stock pads, but again, no luck Not sure what you want to do ??? Cheers Jayson
  7. Yeah, you can't go past the PFC. Anyone want to donate one
  8. Macka - I stumbled across this the other day; http://www.xtremecarperformance.com.au/ Don't know how good, or even how much it is. I've got a funny feeling that they use a R32 ECU with a PIC chip for the VCT and re-tune it for a R33. I've got a R32 ECU still sitting here that I might 'one day' get re-tuned for a R33.......... J
  9. So are you saying that he does have a BOV that vents into the air? Remember that the 2540 will flow more air, and even when your off boost the wheels are still spinning. So if the after market BOV is set wrong, you get air comming back out the AFM, or out the BOV which will = stall. The GTR cooler should be a good match with the 2540. Let hope he's fuel system will keep up. J
  10. AutoSpeed actually did an articale on these, but had to withdraw it from being published because they were threatned with legal proceedings from DC !!! From what I 'heard', the test didn't go very well, and one actually totally failed (stopped working) and seems JE was going to mention that in the review, DC had a few words to say about it ! J
  11. OMG !!! A 2540 at 1 bar with the stock cooler !! Sorry, just a bit shocked... It could be a few things. The stalling thing is usually due to a BOV venting out into the air, does he have one of these? The misfiring could be something as simple as the spark plugs still having the factory gapping on them. Whip them out and reduce the gap down to 0.8 - 0.7mm. He should really reduce the boost down to .5 bar until he get's it run up on a dyno and get's a cooler to match the flow of the turbo. But this is a bit hard when you've got a actuator set at 1 bar I presume he is still running the stock ECU? If he is, I dare say the stock ECu is having a heart attack trying to figure out the new turbo. J
  12. In some cases, a good 3 inch dump pipe will reduce the back presure in the higher rev ranges and reduce that boost drop off. But as suggested, turbo eff, and wastegate spring can and will contribute to it too. J
  13. Surely someone here has changed their front brake pads themselves? I need to know if the pads in the pic below look like factory front pads for a R33 GTS-t. Anyone J http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/at...=&postid=303472
  14. mtam22 - no worries dude. Spining the wheels to 100km/p is possible. I've done it in my skyline, although I'd say the cheapie tyres (at the time) would have had alot to do with that I can just touch 100km/p in the top of 2nd gear. I found that out one day when I was dragging a VN. Dumped 1st gear, it just spun, flicked it into 2nd and floored it and I watched the speedo spin around to 100 then I heard the dreaded, da da da da as it bounced of the rev limit LOL But yeah, as you said, as long as all the correct information is entered in, and as long as there's no wheel spin at 100, it should be pretty much spot on. J
  15. Taking the reading at the wheels means that if your spinning the wheels all the way to 100, your going to get faster times. ie. your wheels will be doing 100km/h, but the car won't be The only real way to do it is one of those bolt on speed sensors that 'watch' the ground and take the reading from that. Of course there's other ways like using cops radar, 1/4 mile strip to get speed at 60' and TS etc..... J
  16. Purple all the way. Seen one and almost creamed my pants !!!
  17. G'day, Just wondering if anyone knows if these look like stock front brake pads for a R33 GTS-t. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/at...=&postid=303472 I've never seen any others other than these and the EBC's I put in. Theres no name stamped on them, just the numbers 6GXu 236M Cheers Jayson
  18. I might start a quick thread in the maintanace section to see if anyone has seen stock pads before. I'm nude on this, not sure if they are stock or not - I presume they are though. There isn't any brand name stamped on them (if the were apexi ones etc, I'm sure it'd have their name stamped all over them - damn rice) The numbers that are stamped on them are 6GXu 236M. I'll see what I can find out. J
  19. Sweet looking gear/HB boots you got there... LOL
  20. Someone should do some calc's. We need to work out how much extra volume a FMIC (including pipework) has over a stock one. Say if it's an extra 20lt, then we can work out how much longer a 2.5ly motor will take to fill the space. Say at 6000rpm and 2500rpm (where people change gears, and the rough spool up area for a turbo - this is rough). The motor will push out 2.5lt of air for every four rotations. So at 6000rpm the motor is pushing out 2.5lt of air 1500 times a minute, so that's now 3750lt of air every mintue. So now we need to find out how much time it'll take the motor to fill this extra 20lt of space, when the motor flows 3750lt per minute. Am I thinking on the right path here? OK - my brain just reached it's limit (I'm on holidays and my brain is in life-support mode).
  21. After exhaust and more boost, I'd look at getting the power to the ground. Good tyres Good alignment Clutch/flywheel Suspension setup for drags (pineapples etc) Mechanical diif (2 way etc) And as dAVE said, higher final ratio. And lot's and lot's of practice..... You may not need to do all these things to beat a WRX, but hay, why not J
  22. Luky bugga While I think my car is a Tuesday car, but with a Friday driver :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha:
  23. Andrew (Jayson here ), I was just thinking, it could be the gap in your plugs !!! Damn, if I would've thought about that last night we could re-gapped them then Seems your car is one of the rare ones that are totally stock, I'd say your plugs are still gapped at 1 or 1.1mm !! Damn (hitting myself in the head), I should've thought about that !! Cool, we can re-gap your plug's a little on the weekend and see how it goes? J
  24. Pretty respectable figures considering engine mods are turbo back exhaust, panel filter, thermal wrap, 10psi, cam gear, afr of high 9's (untuned s-afc), and a little advanced timing (did I leave anything out?). I'd be happy with that, that's for sure Most people get less than that with a 'professional tune' at a workshop Rev - are you getting the injectors clean by an ultrasonic bath? Cheers J
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