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Everything posted by Jay95R33

  1. Sooooo.... The question still stands.. Is it expressed as a % or a fixed amount?? Maybe the figure isn't linear, as power increases the % of power loss is less maybe??? The overall amount would be more, but the % would be less. I'm not posting this question up to try and find out what my ful sik car would have at the motor , it's just a general question about drivetrain loss. I know the long winded story about whether to trust dynos etc, and all that matters is how your car performs blah blah... I'm just interested on how the losses are effected as power increases. J
  2. Just a quick general question. I've read a few posts saying that drivetrain loss is a %, while other posts say it's fixed (one I read said about 80ps). It makes sense to me that it should be expressed as a % cause as hp increases so does friction which makes heat.. blah blah blah... So which is it? Soooo (yepp, you knew it was coming ), if a stock GTS-t does arooooound 130rwkwish, and factory specs are around 180kw at the flywheel (take some for a worn motor) so that's around a 28% drivetrain loss. Am I thinking right?? I know the question is a bit like 'how long is a piece of string', but let's see what people think. J
  3. Ben - yepp, the 901's are pretty good. I wouldn't say they are the bee's knee's, but are still pretty good. I've still got to watch first gear though, but that's more me being over zealous on the go pedal One thing I noticed when I came up Macquire Pass (near Wollongong) is when you get a bit of heat in them they perform about 100% better. It's just a shame that they're not like that all the time I got mine for $230 a piece for 225/50/16's, but they stuffed up the quote and they should've been $280 each .. Love it J
  4. Yeah, it depends on what you mean by damaged. If there is a leak in the core, then usually they can be fixed. But it it has been in an accident then I wouldn't like your chances. Take it to a radiator and air con core fix-it person and see what they say. J
  5. Yepp, my 'line is a daily driver. But I've got secure parking at work, and if I stand up at my desk I can see her... Hang on... Ahhhhh, there she is...... Safe and sound
  6. Learnt to drive in a Auto Datsun 180B Hehehe... I remember doing a big rollback burnout in it. In reverse doing about 20km/h, dropped into netural and rev'd it upto about 3000rpm and slipped it into Drive and the thing just stalled.. . LOL Next was a 1980 Datsun Stanza. Loved it, great fun, and the back seat got a good workout After that it was a 1988 TX5 Ghia, nicely done up with spoiler kit and all the crap. Then I saw the light and got a R33 :uh-huh: :uh-huh:
  7. LOL - go SilverSlyder ya dog :bahaha: :bahaha:
  8. Buy a pump if you can. Makes your life 1000% easier. If you can't your hands on a pump, I think the only other way would be to try and feed a hose down through the gearstick hole somehow.... Not sure how but !!!! I got my pump at SuperCheap for $15 J
  9. Drooooolll....... I just love the wrap around shoulder thing on those seats...
  10. Yeah, no worries James. Hay when do you go away??? J
  11. Yepp, no worries dude. I'm a southsider but Civic isn't too far away Let me know if you want to go for a quick spin before you buy one just so you can see what they can do with simple mods. Might not have been me cause I've still got my SDU sticker on the back (jay runs and hides....) J
  12. I think my air conditioner thermo fan (the one that sits in front of the air con core) is a calsonic one. If you've got a radiator thermo fan it'll be on the engine side of the radiator. J
  13. R31Nismoid - that is a impressive 60' time. I'd be very happy with that... I think I might have to invest in a pair of these Simex tyres BTW: I'm running a DC 16 thermo fan on mine now and it's great. Needle sits a fraction below half and has never gone past that. Car warms up quicker (great for the minus 10 mornings here in Canberra ), and the engine seems to have just a tad more responce. I actually find that with normal driving the thermo fan doesn't turn on very much at all, and the temps are still the same as they were when I had the normal fan on. Sitting in traffic the fan will come on for about a minute every 3-4 minutes, and that was on 35 degree days. J
  14. Weetbix, I drove a stock standard R33 GTS-t last week, and I must say it wasn't anything special. I was very supprised on how much power it lacked actually. But it's in comparison to mine which has a few mods like pod, CAI, turbo back 3 inch, bleed at 12psi, FMIC, clutch etc... I think what's I'm trying to say is that they respond very good to simple mods like an exhaust and a bleed valve. If we ever meet up I'll take you for a spin (I'm in Canberra too) and you'll be able to compare. Cheers J
  15. Ahhh, the true side of Shell finally comes out !!But yeah, the Katie one was pretty poor J
  16. Depending on how you've got it plumbed up will depend on how many hoses you'll have. I'm pretty sure the one that you've got vents out to the air. The hose that should always be connected is the small hose that is connected to the top of the BOV and goes to the inlet plenum. This will hold the BOV close when under boost, and also help pull it open when your between gears. If you can, take a pic of the BOV on your car and we'll have a look at it. Cheers J
  17. Unless you've got a hole in your FMIC you won't be loosing any boost. Some people report on having more lag with a bigger intercooler, but I never expreianced it with my 700x300x76 cooler. Are you reading it from the factory boost gauge in the dash or do you have an aftermarket gauge??? Just remember that the in dahs boost gauge doesn't read in psi. Maybe the HKS BOV needs a slight lube up with a little bit of grease?? Do you still have the hose conected to the top of the BOV??? J
  18. I won't be able to make it. Will be out on the town with some blokes from work...
  19. Shame you weren't selling these a few months ago, I would've snapped them up J
  20. Congratulation Jeff. That's a nice time and a good TS. You never know, a little bit more practice and you might see a 12 sec pass :uh-huh: :uh-huh: :uh-huh: J
  21. Hmmm, doesn't look too bad. I've seen the open ones and they are nice too, but just a little bear for me. I think the 'S' would go nice. J
  22. Looks nice a5h - you've got yourself a nice clean ride there. Love the mags too
  23. Yepp, the 1993 to 1995's are the same. Mines a Sept 1995 car and the bonnet is the same as a March 1993. I think the series 2's have a slightly lower bonnet lip in between the lights. Or maybe it's slightly higher......??? But they aren't the same J
  24. G'day RS, I'm pretty sure that the grille in the pic is a GTR look-a-like grille. You can get them for around the $100 mark I think. But just make sure you get one that suits your car cause I've read that they are different for the series 1's and series 2's. Cheers J
  25. Cool - that's not such a bad price. Yeah, mine is crap too. The thing in my car is only about a hand span across !! Damn small... Cheers J
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