Had no luck getting the fuel line off, its too stiff and there is like an inch of room around it. Is there another spot I can get at it? After that failed I wanted to check the ecu and after taking it out I discovered 3 wires cut. That seems bad, but when I looked up the ecu pinout it didnt seem as detrimental. Looks like wires for pin 40, 59 and 53 are cut, which are 40-nothing? 59- control unit power supply and 53- vehicle speed sensor (the wire has bullet connectors but they were not connected) Shouldnt these wires be attached? I am guessing the vehicle speed sensor is cut to stop the speed limiter. The car has run without these being connected so do these need connecting?
Also I got a ecutalk unit, its pretty cool for the things it displays. Plugged it in today, no faults/errors. But i took a pic of the display, are the afm supposed to be greater than 0 when the car isnt running? I wouldnt think so!
(edit) i just read that its normal to have a small reading on the afms