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Everything posted by gregor

  1. It might be that they were adjusted incorrectly previously so using the wrong collar they changed the preload on the springs rather than adjust the height correctly. I would think thats why he is asking the spring length.
  2. not sure if a normal mechanic can do a trailer pink slip? If so try SBO automotive, its beside the showground. Best to call first and check though.
  3. Even with TC off? In my BF2 I've done a few texis. I turn TC off, stall it up and theres no issues lighting it up or getting away quick. Might be time for a flash tune if the factory program is stopping you having fun.
  4. I did some rough maths with the 2012 price rise we got late notice of and wondering how you were doing it for that price even without timing. I think its fairly safe to say you wont see a cheaper club day unless they're inviting at least 50% more people.
  5. The 6 speed auto still does a decent job with some help from the handbrake. Obviously a clutch would make it more enjoyable but its not a requirement.
  6. A late reply but.. I think my interpretation of the appropriate level of knowledge is different to others, IMO as a senior with no escalation point (except vendors) being pretty good isn't quite enough. I consider myself good at a range of the skills - some better than others - being discussed but the how in depth they want is the question. Theres also differences in supporting a single environment where you can just focus on that or consulting externally which has pros and cons. At the company I'm at now they're big enough to have teams that only do security, or connectivity, etc.. so you get a different type of experience again compared to a smaller business like where I worked last. That's why I'd rather see a rough salary/package included, see a job asking for the world and paying 50-60k and you can get an idea of the person they are after (or likely to get). On the other hand if you see a job asking for all that and they are paying 100k+ you know they are expecting a hell of a lot more depth to the knowledge.
  7. I find advertisements like that interesting, the senior engineers I know are quite specialised so they'll pretty much only work on their technology whether it's messaging, SQL or whatever. This one isn't the worst at all but the amount of times you see we want exchange, vmware, dba admin, citrix, cisco certifications, etc.. I can't help but think they won't find their ideal candidate because if they are really a senior in all those technologies you'd be looking at a really big salary, and even then spending enough time in each technology to maintain the skills is tough. And yes timesheets suck. Loving the achievements link.
  8. Hadn't driven my FC since the last texi (2.5 months), still had my tools, rims etc.. in it. Connected the battery pack yesterday, kicked it over, all good.
  9. When paying rent and utilities is more of an option than an obligation you end up with cash to toss around. Mind you what's a 2 year old hsv worth these days - 40k give or take?
  10. Did 4 or 5 last year, cash could be a limiting factor this year but hoping to do a minimum of 3.
  11. Today and yesterday are pupil free days as per your link, technically part of the term and kids can show up if the parents dont have another option. You can see why a motorist without kids could hear friends & family talking about kids being on holidays and get done.
  12. thats not the worst part - crash into someone and watch your insurance dump you quicker than you can blink for driving an illegal vehicle. Get stuck paying off someone elses insurance company for the next 5-10 years. And if you manage to injure someone i'd imagine the greenslip provider would go after you too.
  13. Oh and I'm uploading a load of pics from EC to our facebook page www.facebook.com/RenewRotary
  14. I think the performance between the two clubs was a good match and a lot of fun. RENEW pulled second in each category so we'll keep the winners on their toes We're working on our events for next year and will be in touch with the SAU NSW committee to see if there are any mutually beneficial opportunities to go racing together next year. I'm sure a greater SAU presence would be welcomed if we can get back to Eastern Creek in a multi club event.
  15. Open Class Club Class Street Class All results came from official event timing via Natsoft.
  16. Yep: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/384418-kumho-lap-battle-championship-results/ Sorry for the delay, way too time poor lately
  17. Last month the final round of the Kumho Lap Battle championship was completed. Over the 3 rounds we visited Wakefield Park twice and Eastern Creek to wrap it all up in the company of the WRX Club and Evolution Oz. The variety of cars that attended was great, everything from lightly modded street cars through to some pretty serious machines that you might have seen at WTAC earlier in the year. The points were close and the winners were not set in stone until the last event was over and the drivers packed up for the trip home. All of this wouldn't be possible without the entrants so thank you to those that attended even 1 event. To those who couldnt make it or were hesistant, we hope we can see you on the track next year. The event was generously supported by Kumho Tyres through Fsport. That support means the three class winners will take home a $1000 voucher towards Kumho Motorsport Tyres. The sponsorship also saw 6 winners take home round prizes with a $500 credit towards tyres. I cant speak highly enough of John from Fsport's willingness to support club level motorsports so if you are in the market for motorsport tyres give John a call on 1300 4 KUMHO or jump on www.fsport.com.au to check for the latest specials. The class winners are: Open - Greg Boyle Club - Ben Kirker Street - Michael Hill Congratulations to the winners!
  18. 1. Slightly worse than a stock turbo car which is just a boost controller away from more power. And this car wont have the added torque of a turbo. 2. Modding potential probably a fair bit, BUT being NA those gains wont be cheap for what you get. It's yet to be seen how highly strung this engine is but with 12.5:1 CR a set up cams and exhaust could yield a nice result but where to from there? Switch to forced induction? you wont be able to run much boost with that CR so you'll need to spend more cash and then you have legal hassles, engineering and emissions, diminished resale and it goes on. If toyota wanted a true tuner car they should have started with a low boost turbo config. Not many people buy a brand new car to engine swap or do a big budget build on.
  19. p platers are awesome. Come along asking for advice but then disregard it when they don't hear what they like. You're going to look super cool in your skyline when your mates mum can beat you away from the lights every time. No car enthusiast takes NA skylines, supras, etc.. seriously because they're nuggets, so you'll get attention but a lot wont be positive.
  20. Had a lot of interest in this car prior to announcing it will be NA. 200hp would be ok if it were at the wheels but as a manufacturer rated figure is a bit dull. Here's hoping subaru release a turbo version, maybe under the STi label. Ive never seen so many people on car forums defending poor power output. Maybe toyota has them conditioned too well with sticker and bodykit special 'sports' models.
  21. im also curious about the track time to cost ratio.
  22. if anyone is struggling for transport (or looking to have some cans and don't have a deso driver) and can't hook up a lift this is quite close to gosford train station. 5 mins or less by car. Just thought it might be worth mentioning.
  23. Engineers vary greatly in costing, Ringing around is worth the time but you may also find a cheaper engineer will want you to jump through more hoops. Their interpretation of the rules and discretion varies from guy to guy. That said i got my last car done through autosport.
  24. I had 4 bad tyres on. Previously ive just swapped off the rears and it worked well. This time i had no front grip and locked up if i thought about breaking. Still had fun doing skids. Protip: keep reasonable front tyres on when going to texi. And finally i get footage of my car spitting fire - around 1:03 for those playing at home. Thats made my day Eric
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