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David Alchin

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About David Alchin

  • Birthday 01/03/1970

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  1. I was hoping to get at least $60 odd each for them, missus just wants me to recoop some of the huge outlay I've had for the engine conversion so anything I make is a bonus to her.
  2. Best read the thread again, No reasonable offer will be refused and can send to you. $50 bucks for six series II coilpacks get serious.
  3. Yes the AFM and air box is from an RB25DET.
  4. Yes still have the AFM and it is out a series II R33.
  5. Been told by the missus to get rid of the rest of the crap from the conversion, her words not mine. Still have the series 2 coil packs$60 odd each ono, air con $50 ono and the ecu$75 to $100 , air box with air metre to practically give away$75 to $100. No reasonable offer will be refused and can send to you. Probably should mention that the packs come with the metal bracket.
  6. Is that two seats, because you have used the plural.
  7. I have finally got the VL running with the Rb25DET and assisting that is the Microtech LTX12 (found out just recently that a LTX8 would have done the job with less problems) but now have run into another cunnundrum, how to get the speedo to work. I want to use the standard VL dash but its speedo is cable and the R33 box is electronic and the VL cable drive in the box is about 1/2 of the size of the R33 drive. Any and all ideas will be greatly appreciated. Dave
  8. One set of R33 Coil Packs (from late model 95) plus R33 tail shaft with yoke. Both in great condition and worth a lot more than I am asking. $600 each ono.
  9. Thanks Blind_elk, been off line for a bit due to the department being full dickheads i guese. But thats right my packs have three terminals and on the diagram there is only two someone stuff up somewhere. well packs have been sent off to be checked, let u know how things get on.
  10. the computers have been down or at least the departments been having problems with some crap or other so its been a while sinse i've checked my posts or email. I'll give them a go as soon as i get my packs back from being cheched, only been two weeks from last time i was on. Thanks for the heads up let u know how i go.
  11. Thats right the paks are attached to the plugs and are wired direct to cpu.
  12. No not directly but have sent a couple of emails to no avail.
  13. Thanks Blind_elk, this is becoming an ever increasing nightmare, the projected budget has blown out of all proportion and simply can't afford to the car on the road all the help I get is very much appreciated. Have been told to take the packs out and send them to microtech for testing, do you know how i can test them at home before i go to that expense.
  14. But if you look at their diagram there is only two wires on the packs on an rb25 of course there are three. Wish these guys would get it right.
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