25 Australia street is the same mob as Allimports, and all those private for sale ads on carsales, jimmy and all other names he's known by.
ALso something I was told by a mechanic who was checking a private sale car out for me was that Japlink which are next door(same car lot but theres a fence seperating them) to the Allimports yard on Parramatta road, are not associated with each other, apparently the Allimports guys had a deal with the previous owner/s of Japlink and that the new owner of Japlink had to honour an existing deal with Allimports on sharing the lot and he also wouldn't comment on Allimports, just smiled and nooded his head when I mentioned them and the supra and rep they have.
If anyone knows otehrwise please don't shoot me down, just relaying something I was told by someone who appears and presumably is independent.
edit:also i recommend reading evolutionoz for another view.