Hey Guys.
OK i have a ripper for you.
Being an importer and all i HAVE to deal with these gorillas on a weekly basis.
Now we will start with the ride height at the front which was 4mm under height, then move onto the seat belt which they pulled a thread, therefore its a frayed seat belt, then last and not least and i love this one, the side indicators on this particular car were a different shade of orange, side to side.
I got rejected on these tiny little items. The seat belt was fine i still have it as proof.
I agree something has to be done as it is getting so out of hand. They have basically the power of god over us, and answer to no one. Your right in saying that they have very little engineering experience. I would say less than 5% of them have any at all.
Now it is time something is done about it, but and this is the main problem i see. They will not listen, because they see us as trying to get the rules changed to suit ourselves.
Anyone under the age of 35 is considered an idiot according to these apes.
The police force shouldn't have the power to defect for anything other than tyres or smoke taken away because they are some of the biggest culprits of time wasting i have ever seen in my life. They know NOTHING about the ADR's but are given the power to defect what they think is illegal.
I know how thick, corupt and incompetent some of these ppl are.
On sunday morning i picked a car up from my storage area, loaded my tools into the back, put my trader plate on and proceeded back to my house. Now on anzac hwy, i had 3 officers pull me over on motor bikes. Start telling me they had seen me driving up and down the bay for 30mins, said they recognised me because the car had no front plate. FFS i was on traders, ITS AN IMPORT.
No it gets better. I get abused, told that i am a liar, so i went off, told them to **** off call my dad at the storage yard and ask him exactly when i had left. Then i was told i can't call them liars, so i asked for badge numbers. Well they couldn't back away quick enough.
First of all they cannot dispute my use of my trader plates as i was working, there were visable tools in the car. Second they invented a story to suit themselves. Did not believe it was my plate(its even in my name)
Someone needs to be accountable because these ppl have sooo much power, sooo little knowledge.
Anyways thats my bitch for tonight.
Sorry guys.