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scotty nm35

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Everything posted by scotty nm35

  1. If he just serviced it I would be dropping the cheap shitty oil he put in and trying some decent 10W40 first.
  2. Flex joins are a pain to weld because the ends are usually mild steel. Welding it to stainless is always a little difficult I have found. No need to wire brush a bead imo, as long as the gas flow is correct and you don't take your time running the bead you should get that rainbow bluing effect meaning you didn't overheat the join. I would say practice makes perfect but after years welding I still have a lot to learn.
  3. I agree, the GTX wheels are a crock if you only plan on running 20psi on a stock bottom end but how many results have you seen that actually max out the compressor? As you say, not many people interested in running the 1.06 rear either so it probably won't happen on the GTX3076 any time soon. I know I am too scared. lol.
  4. They have to find him first, and I hear his dyno is protected by rotties, and bikers with shotguns. Very interested in the results Jez, and your feedback on the HKS software.
  5. Is that the diesel RS4? Sounds like the lifters are shagged, apparently the hydraulic lifters can be cleaned or they will just replace them. Take it back and let the mechanic listen to it.
  6. The attessa possibly needs bleeding. As Jez pointed out, they have codes to tell you the fault.
  7. Paid, Large please.
  8. Probably a good idea to have your location, but seeing Jez tuned it I guess you are central coast in which case I can't help.
  9. The Tial gate could be water cooled with the old turbo water lines if you went with the T67...
  10. PM'd
  11. What did they end up stinging you Matt? I thought the SS1pu was a Hypergear code, why are Precision using it?
  12. Everyone can have an opinion mate, did I overtake you at the track recently? Drag you off at the lights? Or are you just jelly? Stagea's ftw. At least I don't get pulled up every second day, actually I never have in this. Plus it is a lot cheaper than a 34gtr and most of the running gear is the same. Have you even seen the newer M35 stagea up close? Probably not...
  13. I can make you one guys. lol. Until recently there were hardly any aftermarket ones around, especially with the bov and breather pipe fittings and as far as I know, nothing for the stock airbox. I think you may have issues finding one, most used to fit a 3 inch piece of stainless pipe inside the stock rubber intake but it doesn't stop it sucking in. Are you planning to run the stock airbox?
  14. So what were his plans to stop the swarf getting into the chamber? I hope he knows what he is doing...
  15. Only if you cut the bracing under the bonnet, it's alloy too remember.
  16. Break, not Brake. lol. The page is under fuel system components.
  17. It sounds like the afm is playing up or a cooler pipe has blown off. Now your plugs are fouled from continuing to drive it in that state. How are your mechanical skills? Do you have tools?
  18. The .63 rear housing you need has a GT3071 bolted on it.
  19. lol. The BC's are definitely worth the $1200 or whatever you pay. I got the cheaper red ones and others have the gold version, mine have been great and reliable for over 3 years. The turbo I have here is still perfect so you could imagine I don't want to wreck it. I find it useful for jigging pipes etc also. There has been a bit of interest in turbo swaps though, perhaps I should lend them to Stao, or at least do it for my customers. Surely there are still a few failed housings floating about...
  20. PM'd. You doing the dump at the same time? It's a good idea...
  21. If they use the P1ggyback version it may work but why can't they use the Emanage Ultimate? Microtech don't have a good name on here from the research I did. Common: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/385885-microtech-tuning/page__p__6155745__hl__microtech__fromsearch__1#entry6155745 You have a few options I guess: Drive down like Craig did, I can install the Emanage and drop one of my tunes on to get you to Campbelfield where Cihan's dyno is located. (Yes, he is very busy atm) Ask Craig nicely to wire an Emanage in for you, then get Jez to tune it on the central coast, he has tuned Craigs once so may be able to sort you out. Ask Blacktrack to install something, can't help you there but I hope they know what they are doing. Do Microtech even have a base map for you to work off? OEM Crank triggering would be required at a minimum.
  22. Good luck with that one, as far as I know only the Emanage Ultimate or HKS Fcon Vpro have been successfully fitted and both of those options took a fair amount of R+D. Do they have the ecu pinouts yet? What do they plan to do with the electronic throttle and cams?
  23. I will hopefully be there Tony. You heading up there from your place Aaron?
  24. Didn't you pick it up this morning?
  25. I had the same thing happen to me driving through the tunnel, a guy did a Uturn as he missed the Kingsway turnoff. Knob.
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