If they use the P1ggyback version it may work but why can't they use the Emanage Ultimate? Microtech don't have a good name on here from the research I did. Common: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/385885-microtech-tuning/page__p__6155745__hl__microtech__fromsearch__1#entry6155745
You have a few options I guess:
Drive down like Craig did, I can install the Emanage and drop one of my tunes on to get you to Campbelfield where Cihan's dyno is located. (Yes, he is very busy atm)
Ask Craig nicely to wire an Emanage in for you, then get Jez to tune it on the central coast, he has tuned Craigs once so may be able to sort you out.
Ask Blacktrack to install something, can't help you there but I hope they know what they are doing. Do Microtech even have a base map for you to work off? OEM Crank triggering would be required at a minimum.