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scotty nm35

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Everything posted by scotty nm35

  1. So drive in to Caulfield? Mine only took 2 or 3 days I think once I dropped it in.
  2. That is only half the mod, the main issue is that the wires are too small and can't carry the current. If you got the car tuned with the wiring stock you will have to retune the idle and low end.
  3. So why do you keep coming into the thread? We should bolt one under your car, let you see the result, then deny you the privilege of running one, ever.
  4. Scared bud? Just get it all done, you will need it for the next track day. Why else are you powering the car up, you can't use it on the street...
  5. Informeter touch has 3 sensor inputs if you buy the expander, oil temp, oil pressure and boost. It also has an analogue input for your wideband. Other than the exhaust temp the informeter is my only requirement, easy to hide too as it looks like a GPS unit.
  6. Take it to Kewish in Dandenong, they know these Nissan boxes pretty well.
  7. Damn, I was just about to buy one, are they that prone to faults? Strange for an oem item...
  8. No sealant is required though, there are little rubber tabs to hold the gasket in place while you slide it on. Just make sure it doesn't fall off before you screw it down, no big deal. It's only the first one you will fudge up. Sealants require pressure, which you don't have in this situation. If for some reason you wanted to re-use the gasket then it would be needed, not that I would suggest it. Remember the oil is built up behind the cover so it needs to seal well for no leaks.
  9. True but look at the amount of gauges you get, and accurate ones too with easily resettable peak holds. I have no problem recommending it to anyone. (only issue with the emu is some of the engine data is wrong, like injector duty etc.) I must admit the OB link looks good too, I will have to research that one some more.
  10. Ahh, none sounds good...
  11. Perhaps they need a radar at the end of the straight. Turn one had a shit surface, I can't believe the speeds some of you were doing through there. Sandown should be interesting with moar boost in the 76, should be well over 350kw by then (and I can actually get it to the ground unlike you guys.)
  12. You all realise you will hit airflow cut with the intake done right? Read 'close up view of the windscreen" lol. It's all downhill from there...
  13. Don't worry, I will talk Josh into the e85 anyway, as will Trent. lol.
  14. Like you need 400kw to come on hard. lol.
  15. Looks great, how long before the engineer looks at it?
  16. Lol. Aaron and I found that one out while doing his rear brakes, it is part of the handbrake on the s14's and it does that for pad adjustment as they wear. Did you take any pics?
  17. Even if they lost during those unfortunate incidents they shouldn't be taking it out on us a year later. I wonder if the standard commodore insurance has gone up that much, no way the bogans can afford that. Looks like there will be heaps of uninsured cars on the road this year.
  18. Great pic, looks like all the hoses should fit nicely. You are running the stock airbox right? Have you test fitted it with the intake yet?
  19. Nice and tight down there isn't it, I assume that's why you went with 2.5 inch?
  20. Are they shorter than 1.05M?
  21. Lazy pressure relief valve perhaps? Interesting log, wish I could run the Haltech...
  22. No need, when the seal is in the groove it seals fine, as long as both surfaces are clean. You really don't want silicone floating around inside your engine...
  23. You are added as a friend, I can't see myself in your list though, nor are you in mine... Better contact an admin. Friend adding fail.
  24. You were pulling away from me nicely Artz, I think I was hitting 250 up the straight, not sure how accurate my speedo is up there though...
  25. Great result Jez. Ditch the appointment, we need a time...
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