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scotty nm35

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Everything posted by scotty nm35

  1. I think Leon has found the issue, waiting on the strip for your turn to run causes the engine bay to heatsoak, then the trans and engine ecu's take all the power away.
  2. I would be keen, and doing bulk runs would bring the cost down a little but at the end of the day there aren't many of these selling, not enough to warrant getting cnc mandrel piping and bov bungs made anyway. Added to that, everyone wants a different product, some for stock airbox others for pods, some want breathers some don't. The basic pipe I can do much cheaper its the added labour costs involved in die grinding the hole, making the bungs that have to be manually turned on the lathe then tigged at tight angles, die grinding/cleaning up inside the pipe etc. Yes you end up with a much better and legal design but it obviously must cost more, I only charge for my labour, no profit margin here. I was thinking of getting the pipes made in China in bulk but they would just under cut me through ebay like so many other manufacturers have found. No point.
  3. Do you know how a spray gun works? The air flowing past the slot should promote more air to be pulled into the compressor from the surge slot using a venturi effect, this would only work up to a certain pressure obviously where the air would flow back the other way. I would like to smoke test the front of one while its strapped down the the dyno, you should be able to see the air being sucked into the surge slots not blowing out. Perhaps someone with a map sensored car can do it for us?
  4. It will only help if the stock grounding is corroded or the wires are faulty. If you want quicker auto shifts get a valve body upgrade (shift kit) from Jetwreck and find a local trans specialist to fit it.
  5. Finally got the engine back together, I also designed the block coolant mod today. It was too close to the rear coolant pipe to connect it there so I fed it up to the rear bleed point, all uphill so the air has a chance to make its way up quickly. It just needs a ball valve on top for bleeding and to fit the last 90 degree -10 fitting. I should have the car back on the road by next weekend.
  6. It's been made 4 inches because of the anti surge ports, not because it needs a 4 inch intake. While 4 inch would be good there is no point if you still run the afm. Mine has run 350kw on a 70mm internal pipe so this one with a 3 inch internal should be no problem for most customers. I can make any piping you need but I would need the car here obviously.
  7. http://www.caltex.co.../ContactUs.aspx http://www.unitedpetroleum.com.au/contact Call someone who cares... Or move to Melbourne. lol.
  8. Thanks Stao. I do an 80mm alloy intake kit to suit the stock airbox with bov and breather fittings.
  9. It doesn't cut at the same voltage each time, it changes with revs and load, depending what cell it's in I guess.
  10. From left to right: 46.6mm - 60mm 51mm - 42mm
  11. Hey Marko, help me get this engine back in so I can come along too.
  12. I have a stocker here I can measure but do you want the inducer/exducer sizes or just the hole diameters?
  13. I know they are 9.5 front and 10.5 rear but what are the offsets? Do you have to fit run flat 20's on these or will standard 20 inch tyres go on fine?
  14. Needs moar boost, get some ethanol or water/meth into it.
  15. I agree Ironpaw, the stage one sierra comes on around 3k once tuned, that would be the laggiest I would go to remain drivable. Essentially you want GTRS/GT2835 sized wheels in the stock housings, no bigger unless you want a long list of supporting mods. If you work with Stao he can make whatever you desire at the end of the day.
  16. My 32 gtr Sumitomo's were great with A1rm pads and DBA slotted disks. I cant remember why I removed them, other than I fell for the shiny Gold brembo's.
  17. There is a sensor in front of the intercooler for outside temp, it heatsoaks off the radiator when you are parked. I would say it's only for the display or perhaps the climate unit? The speedo error will be inside the dash, there will be some way of adjusting it but without translated schematics it would be difficult to find. I was hoping the Nismo dash would be more accurate, it isn't. I just use the informeter now.
  18. If you aren't going to tune it, definitely remain as close to the stock sized rear turbine wheel as you can. Our M35 doesn't react well to lag as it already feels very lethargic down low. There are a few things you would need to do at a minimum if you went for the larger wheels imo, a 3 inch turbo back exhaust won't choke the turbo like the stock one, Emanage Ultimate with tune will bring it on much earlier, a Walbro/Deatschworks fuel pump hardwired, Brake cut mod and the shift kit installed in the gearbox. It's not a huge list but even then you will be injector and intake limited to around 220kw. There is no point getting a turbo capable of 260kw unless you plan to use it. (the stock turbo would be good for 200 or so if you were game) I have had 5 different turbo's on my car now, the stock one definitely felt the best for everyday driving but the bug has bitten. lol.
  19. I would have thought with the colder temps it would hit airflow cut easier Leon, perhaps the key is the intake temps. If the ecu allows more airflow when the air is cool, perhaps tricking the intake temp will net some good gains, especially in summer...
  20. The ecu is reading spot on in mine, according to the Informeter and GPS. The intake sensor is located in the afm and is close to the exhaust so temps can get up there, if the car was cold then perhaps the sensor is out?
  21. Because its tuned mate, it makes a huge difference to response.
  22. I agree, at least give those slack govt employees something to do. lol. Back in the day it would have been repaired by the council, before they laid off all their staff and contracted out the work. Now, unless it can be fixed by an email, no-one gives a toss.
  23. I hope the mechanics you use are cleaning out the banjo bolt or drilling it out larger, otherwise you could have another failure down the track. There is no way a legitimate 75k turbo will have failed if the oil supply hasn't blocked somehow. Engine out? lol. Bugger that, unless you blow a head gasket. What did yours end up costing in total STAG250? I have a feeling the mechanic's quote (2.5k) above was very low for an engine out job...
  24. The passenger side one is: 13270 - AL612 The drivers side: 13270 - AQ800
  25. Nope, its a larger bore on the VQ35de and the water jackets don't line up either. Other than that the blocks seem to be identical. Apparently the head gasket is the same for any VQ25 so there may be some aftermarket options in the US but I couldn't find anything in Japan when I searched. Unfortunately they wont be performance gaskets. Either we leave these engines near stock or pay big bucks for custom parts, at least the 3.5de L19 studs fitted fine, perhaps with the main bolts replaced also we can push for much more? My pistons showed no signs of damage...
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