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scotty nm35

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Everything posted by scotty nm35

  1. I can weld a bung in for you, and supply a barbed brass fitting if you need. Is this for testing pressure drop over the cooler?
  2. No worries Alex, better get it on quick smart. Change the wastegate spring for a 1 bar unit while you're under there and lets see what she's good for mate.
  3. You would need to do a full flush, not just drop the pan. Its worth a try, perhaps the dealership would do it for you to save replacing the sensor?
  4. That will be the problem unfortunately. They may think Dextron III is fine but it can cause clutch slip as I found out. You don't want to rebuild it like I had to, that's big bucks.
  5. Still too much load on the rods, you want to run the least timing you can which makes it run like ass. Better, slower burning fuel is the key, especially with high comp engines. Of course it will be fine on 98 but for how long...
  6. Still, I would get both tunes. You guys seem to think I run this shit because it gives more power. That wasnt the reason at all, I wanted the detonation protection it gives and this is unfortunately what you require too now Alex.
  7. State: NSW United E85 servo's Drummoyne 81-85 Victoria Road Drummoyne NSW 2047 Rozelle (Speedway) 127 Victoria Road Rozelle NSW 2039 Sure, not as many servos as us, we have about 20 now. I guess we just buy more ethanol than you petrol heads...
  8. Your mechanic is using a reader that doesnt communicate to our Japanese specific OBD2 port. Very few of the cheaper OBD2 readers do.
  9. Did the airbox fit back in Craig?
  10. You will be fine doing that, mine had a 2 din tv when it came in, I replaced it with the gauges and a single din. Just tuck the wires away incase you ever want to go back.
  11. I only placed a bid on the pedal set. I had the same thought about the console, better to mod the one I have I think.
  12. Its from the Axis 350 S, 3.5L rear drive 6 speed manual. I was looking for those parts, thanks for finding them for me. lol. Needed for a manual conversion like im planning.
  13. You can get cusco centers for the stagea, around $1000 as I remember.
  14. Im using two of the proflow dash 8 sized small ones, one for each rail. http://www.vpw.com.au/productgroup.asp?CatID=6&PrdGrpID=4344 I paid $100 plus whatever barbed/dash fittings you want for the ends. The element is washable plus replacements are available. Make sure you get ethanol tolerant bunna style orings to seal the dash fitting. Injectors online again mate.
  15. He couldn't help me when I cooked my RE5, he may be good with RE4's but so is every other trans joint by now. Fitting a shift kit isn't rocket science, especially if Jetwreck and I can do it. lol.
  16. Still stuck with the shitty resolution though. 7 inch full HD screens cant be far away though...
  17. Nice one SABBAi. I can see why you need the wood to get the jack under it, she's bloody low mate. Looks great.
  18. The one you posted has a 30 micron bronze filter the other ones have a 100 micron stainless filter. You can get either with barbs.
  19. I had one of the proflow filters leak with that style, came down to the oring in the end. I upgraded to the small cigar shaped ones like 75Coupe showed above with no issues since. I wouldn't trust the paper stock filter with ethanol for prolonged use.
  20. Exactly the point Roy, it all comes down to what you want to pay in the end. Interesting while I was working on the GIO and Winfield 32's that Gibson had fitted turbo hangers over the rocker cover, even on short cast manifolds. That would stop more cracking from heavy exhausts and turbo setups hanging off the engine and the manifold drooping in the heat.
  21. Damn, I knew it was too good to be true. How can the maps be different? I got that one off the ATP US website. It does say 68mm not 82mm like the one you posted too.
  22. My old mechanic rebuilt an engine for me from under the car through the sump, without removing the engine. Does that count?
  23. Thats 3mm wall pipe, with good penetration it will be plenty strong enough. Sure a little rod wouldn't have gone astray but look at the price.
  24. Bugger all im guessing, I ran 230kw through a 2.5 system with the stock turbo. It allows you to shoot higher thats all.
  25. Yeh sorry, VQ. I can only go by what Garrett's maps tell me, the GTX3076 flows more than the GT35 and the FP HTA. Hopefully they aren't talking crap.
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