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scotty nm35

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Everything posted by scotty nm35

  1. Thats what the cool down lap is for...
  2. Turbo timers are a wank for modern cars with water cooled turbine housings. I fitted a Viper and removed the factory gear.
  3. I may be going in there today to return mine, the high pressure piston has shat itself after 6 months or so, lets see if they warrant it... I will let you know.
  4. Thats the main issue anyway. I was maxing the fuel lines running a 33 GTR Tomei pump as the M35 plastic pump cradle only has a 3mm fuel outlet. Two walbro's shouln't draw any more current than one Deatschwerks pump. I ended up making a new cradle for mine with twin -6 teflon lines. They do sound like they are starving a bit when i'm at 1/4 tank and I go around corners. I have never seen the AFR's affected though, possibly due to the way the stock rails are designed.
  5. There is really no point in taking pics, you can barely see up there and without knowing where the pic was taken from it wont help much. You can see the oil line if you take off the undertray and look up from the passenger side. Just in front of the driveshaft there is a metal 8mm line with a banjo into the block, remove this and drill out to 1.5mm, then clean any swarf and gunk from the hole before refitting. Is your turbo noisy? Some stockies sound like a jet taking off.
  6. Spotted the elusive white M35 with 20's, driving down South Gipsland Hwy in Lynbrook again this morning.
  7. ^ Thats the theory, or you could just buy another pump. lol. Maths was never my strong point. Are you sure you wont need more fuel flow down the track? These VQ's seem to love using the stuff.
  8. I have seen over 90 degrees in traffic on a hot day, waiting for the lights to turn green. That was before the mods to cool it down like plenum spacer, 3 inch intake etc.
  9. Haha, you started it with no dump? Your neighbours must be pissed ARTZ. When are you bringing it over?
  10. Thats the conclusion I came to, and I didnt think I would be using 80% on the 1000's with such a small turbo either...
  11. HKS 480's?
  12. No way, ive put too much time into mine to fail so hard now. lol.
  13. Thats a good price though, and i'm sure they could package it safely enough to be thrown across the room. I just dont want to deal with AVO, VL Tuuurboworld.
  14. I have been emailing Link about getting the extreme to work on the VQ25det, they didnt seem all that interested but said it should do the job. The extra modules (elec throttle, 5 bar map etc) add a fair bit to the cost but the unit on its own seemed to be around 2k, where did you get that price?
  15. $400 extra for the liability insurance seems a bit steep though Chris, I would rather DIY I think.
  16. Didnt pass emissions?
  17. I have a Fujitsubo exhaust, it was fairly quiet until I fitted the 1.06 Tial rear housing. There is no way it would pass now.
  18. I modified mine in much the same way, although the VQ has two rails obviously. I had a few issues... As the fuel will be flowing through the one reg, if you have a pump failure, the other pump will try to take over and you wont know until you lean out on the next squirt. I would recommend running 2 non return valves if possible before the reg, just so one pump runs 3 injectors only. That way if one pump fails you will know about it. I also had issues with the ethanol rated Proflow teflon fittings, the barbs on the olive were too short causing them to weep at pressure. So much for 2000psi. lol. The Ebay lines I changed to have been perfect as have the twin Walbro's intank. Good luck with it.
  19. Yeh the ID's are just flow matched Bosch ones with a little machining to the pintle end, nothing special, so are the Xspurts. I think they are the shorter ones at 48mm. I would rather buy from the Aust distributor, Injectors online just for the warranty. They will also price match to some extent.
  20. It seems the DW 1000cc injectors dont have the locking clips to hold them on to the rail, not sure I would trust that personally as all the other aftermarket injectors I have seen use them, even though their install docs say otherwise. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/383976-real-time-help-needed-dw950-injectors/
  21. Haha, no cash otherwise it would be done already. Build parts are cheap for the VQ35de in the states but I have a few spare VQ25det's now so no reason to build the VQ35 atm, especially as I havent found the limits of the 2.5 yet. I would love to drop the 3.5 into a smaller car, say a datto 1600, and make an awd monster.
  22. Trying to run the deatschwerks on the stock wiring will end in tears, they draw way too much current for something so small and will definitely require a 30 amp relay and thick wiring at a minimum. I got mine from Jacar, I think it was a 60 amp relay with thick gauge audio power wire, run along the passenger side and under the back seat. Make sure you fuse it well and preferably run an earth from the battery too. The old pump positive will need to be run the same way back to the relay in the enginge bay to turn the new pump on/off.
  23. Depends on the base pressure. I run over 30psi with twin Walbro's on eflex with bosch 1000's. I dropped my base pressure to 35psi so it now only runs around 65psi at the top end. Keep your pressures as low as possible imo. The only issue I have with the higher flowing fuel pumps (deatschwerks etc) is the current draw seems to go up exponentially with flow, to double the current the Walbro needs. Make sure you run good power cable with a high current relay install.
  24. I had the rear calliper seized and it felt just like you describe. The sliding pin had bent causing the pad to drag on one side. Its worth dropping the wheels and checking all the pads are worn evenly.
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