I have a decat.
I'm a poorkunt and can't afford a high-flow cat. I run a decat to suffocate babies, rape single mothers, set fire to old people, blind and deafen as many children as I can, AND let's not forget - I'm the reason fuel prices are so high because the excess flow I actually get makes me run rich and smash more juice down.
I've been stickered AND caught-out with a decat pipe by police actually sighting the pipe. Twice.
I didn't receive any fines for said pipe. But it is illegal, and I am actually going to hell for it.
If I get fined or imprisoned for having it, I will cop it on the chin.
Moralfags can bitch all they want. My car runs better with a decat than it will EVER run with a cat.
News for you guys - every now and then, I run AVGAS.
Try running avgas through a cat.